
present arms

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Sjá einnig: Present Arms

undirorð: arms, present


  • Proceeding to the cemetery ahead of the funeral procession, they present arms when the hearse arrives and hold their salute until the casket is in place over the burial ground. (www.newsargus.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)
  • They at least had the protection of a covered stage; not so the hundreds of service men and women on hand to march, play bagpipes and present arms. (www.tillsonburgnews.com, skríða á 07.11.2016)
  • From Brevort: The school bell Monday sent forth the announcement to the good boys and girls to bring their slates and pencils and to present arms. (www.stignacenews.com, skríða á 23.11.2016)
  • Two minutes before 11 am Guard Commander of a contingent of Chandigarh Police gave an order to present arms rest on reverse arms. (www.sdbj.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • The traditions have been firmly established: a combined color guard representing all military services executes "present arms" at the tomb, the president lays a wreath, a bugler plays "taps." (www.sitnews.us, skríða á 28.11.2016)
  • They all present arms (salute), and TAPS are played. (www.dl-online.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • “For the flag ceremony, we drilled when to get the flags and present arms, and when to get the flags down. (www.burnetbulletin.com, skríða á 09.11.2016)
  • Members of the Signal Hill Tattoo hold their rifles in the “general salute present arms” position during the playing of the Royal salute by the CLB Regimental Band as Their Honours enter the garden party. (www.esperanceexpress.com.au, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • Photos by Joe Gibbons/The Telegram Members of the Signal Hill Tattoo hold their rifles in the “general salute present arms” position during the playing of the Royal salute by the CLB Regimental Band as Their Honours enter the garden party. (www.thepacket.ca, skríða á 07.11.2016)

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