
pay dearly

Tíðni: 585 Staða: 118.981 Tíðni bekknum: 18

undirorð: dearly, pay


  • The rest of us pay dearly with lost jobs and wages, extra expense in health care, and schools. (www.dominicantoday.com, skríða á 28.11.2016)
  • Free health care is misleading, as we pay dearly for our health care through income taxes. (www.winnipegsun.com, skríða á 09.11.2016)
  • Someone in power says something offensive, the cry goes out for that person to pay, and pay dearly. (www.sunews.net, skríða á 07.11.2016)
  • Very often, those who do come forward pay dearly, facing off against a justice system and a culture designed to take them to pieces. (www.hollywoodreporter.com, skríða á 19.11.2016)
  • Even the biggest companies fall victim to this mistake and, sometimes, pay dearly for it. (www.thesouthernreporter.co.uk, skríða á 08.11.2016)
  • For this honor, we sign up months in advance, often pay dearly, and never regret it. (www.nwaonline.com, skríða á 21.11.2016)
  • Although he is committed to keeping his entire operation in Hawaii, Brennan must pay dearly for it. (www.hancockclarion.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • For this honour, we sign up months in advance, often pay dearly, and never regret it. (www.atlantacitizensjournal.com, skríða á 25.11.2016)
  • Unfortunately we, taxpayers, will pay dearly to argue something a majority of us oppose. (www.yukon-news.com, skríða á 16.11.2016)
  • Voters need to look carefully at candidates for Senate, or we will continue to pay dearly with endless wars and endless deficits. (www.mylocaltv.ca, skríða á 20.11.2016)
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