
in flower

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undirorð: flower

Hluti af: be in flower


  • Water the plant regularly while it’s in flower, then give it a rest for a few weeks before resuming light watering. (www.express.co.uk, skríða á 10.11.2016)
  • I know you’ve seen these around town since they are in flower right now. (www.saffronwaldenreporter.co.uk, skríða á 06.11.2016)
  • She enjoys making designs for display in flower gardens and has developed a unique way of selling her pieces. (www.dglobe.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • Because each blossom only lasts a day — hence the name — most people don’t use them in flower arrangements. (www.grenadabroadcast.com, skríða á 04.11.2016)
  • However, farmers whose rice was already in flower had suffered damage to their crops, he said. (www.baytoday.ca, skríða á 01.11.2016)
  • Learn about and take part in flower and wildlife gardening and growing your own vegetables. (www.nigeriannews.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)
  • These flowers provide brilliant color in the garden and work well in flower arrangements. (www.sussexcountyonline.com, skríða á 14.11.2016)
  • It is very pretty when in flower and fills a period before the main show of perennial flowers really begins. (www.dailyfreeman.com, skríða á 26.11.2016)
  • They do however look fantastic in flower and attract a wide variety of insects. (www.cravenherald.co.uk, skríða á 02.11.2016)
  • This grass is deer resistant, attracts birds and butterflies and looks great in flower arrangements, as well as in the yard. (www.thevistavoice.org, skríða á 23.11.2016)

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