
hard candy

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Sjá einnig: Hard candy

undirorð: candy, hard


  • The candy and food section is still vivid in my mind today — page after page of Christmas hard candy could be ordered. (www.austinweeklynews.com, skríða á 02.11.2016)
  • Then fill the box with a variety of age and gender appropriate items such as toys, school supplies, hygiene items and/or hard candy. (www.studentprintz.com, skríða á 23.11.2016)
  • The Jackson Police Department shared a photo taken from a Louisville, Ky. man of what appears to be hard candy. (www.jewishpress.com, skríða á 20.11.2016)
  • So please be mindful this December as you're passing out the hard candy, hanging holiday trim, or wrapping tiny toys, so everyone can have a very Merry Christmas. (www.wlox.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • It’s not like Clinton will offer leaders of the world hard candy, sweater knit in the situation room, or play bingo with cabinet members. (www.buckinghamtoday.co.uk, skríða á 26.11.2016)
  • The boxes should be filled with a mix of school supplies, hygiene items, toys, and hard candy. (www.nipawinjournal.com, skríða á 13.11.2016)
  • One of his homework center students who regularly attends the homework center for tutoring and help with his homework started choking on large piece of hard candy. (www.fillmoregazette.com, skríða á 26.11.2016)
  • That's why the brand is helping to make finals survival a bit easier with some comic relief and unique hard candy experiences. (www.ducourtbouillon.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • I guess that was for the best because I still don’t eat hard candy and rarely eat chips. (www.texarkanagazette.com, skríða á 07.11.2016)
  • In addition to selling groceries, hats, work gloves, ice cream, staples and barrels of old fashioned hard candy, Mrs. Stevens has transformed part of the store into a deli and restaurant. (www.ourbrowncounty.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)


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