

Tíðni: 16.793 Staða: 14.393 Tíðni bekknum: 13

Sjá einnig: Burnt, BURNT
Hluti af ræðu: Sögn, Lýsingarorð
undirstöðu lögun: burn

Hluti af: burnt orange, burnt up, burnt offering, burnt sienna, burnt umber, burnt almond, burnt cork, burnt lime, burnt almonds, burnt line


  • When the brittle got shiny and hard, it still tasted like burnt spoon. (www.ilkleygazette.co.uk, skríða á 19.11.2016)
  • How in God's name will people of flesh and blood burnt fellow African brothers alive? (www.hamiltonmagazine.com, skríða á 26.11.2016)
  • They were executed, mutilated and burnt, with those accused of the killings acquitted. (www.theperspective.org, skríða á 15.11.2016)
  • Their houses looted, then burnt down. (www.kenilworthweeklynews.co.uk, skríða á 04.11.2016)
  • Apparently they got their fingers burnt thus the reprisal in killing. (www.evangelist.org, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • All the household items valued at about ten thousand dollars were burnt. (www.belizenews.com, skríða á 02.11.2016)
  • It was determined that burnt popcorn activated the smoke detector. (zambiapower.com, skríða á 09.11.2016)
  • Several Indians were killed and the village plundered and then burnt. (www.owyheepublishing.com, skríða á 06.11.2016)
  • Amazingly, the fire burnt through the floor and went out without the gas igniting. (www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com, skríða á 22.11.2016)
  • Haven't people been burnt alive, children cut into pieces and women raped in riots elsewhere? (www.milligazette.com, skríða á 20.11.2016)

Orð með háa tíðni sem nágrannar

burnt orange (7.631), fire (5.721), down (4.615), were (3.300), orange (3.161), to death (3.134), alive (2.828), out (2.686), burnt up (2.437), houses (2.179), ashes (2.073), house (1.773), was (1.754), looted (1.649), smell (1.446), ground (1.438), burnt offering (1.283), destroyed (1.282), odor (1.261), effigy (1.223), death (1.216), marijuana (1.183), found (1.130), charred (1.042), and (1.023), smelled (1.007), body (1.004), burnt sienna (971), smell of (967), bodies (942), effigies (941), ends (935), badly (903), sienna (887), fingers (811), killed (809), shops (733), tyres (724), mob (723), after (718), brisket (704), vehicle (696), had (666), been (642), smoke (641), of (626), car (623), burnt umber (623), caramel (610), homes (589), toast (588), police (584), residue (580), village (571), hectares (556), calories (541), on fire (541), vehicles (538), Godhra (525), the stake (521)
and (53.803), was (49.129), were (44.073), the (40.111), of (34.455), a (29.789), been (25.741), be (16.262), being (13.929), is (11.056), are (10.077), with (9.874), get (9.826), have (9.594), or (9.123), had (8.814), got (7.336), has (6.716), that (6.713), also (6.602), not (5.370), completely (5.185), it (4.824), badly (4.814), The (4.676), who (4.466), found (4.450), they (3.728), getting (3.683), house (3.648), smell of (3.615), then (3.511), like (3.353), fire (3.167), to (3.160), in (3.059), which (2.867), seriously (2.821), I (2.672), he (2.630), partially (2.554), from (2.518), severely (2.139), A (2.121), They (2.077), just (1.997), calories (1.977), already (1.953), fingers (1.917), all (1.856), little (1.851), as (1.828), houses (1.808), for (1.781), his (1.700), her (1.664), their (1.648), a little (1.587), almost (1.547), some (1.546)
out (63.579), down (57.487), to (47.303), in (27.672), and (25.980), the (18.028), alive (15.681), by (14.459), orange (13.894), to death (12.872), marijuana (9.399), a (8.557), ends (8.062), at (7.669), on (7.258), up (6.018), or (5.713), his (5.533), beyond (4.989), with (4.763), body (4.312), their (4.276), through (3.792), off (3.715), as (3.508), sugar (3.420), it (3.363), food (3.106), for (3.037), offering (2.780), after (2.777), remains (2.665), toast (2.664), on the (2.616), all (2.580), offerings (2.477), her (2.386), during (2.277), but (2.234), them (2.174), car (2.169), my (2.168), houses (2.150), an (2.119), into (2.040), rubber (1.948), when (1.919), bodies (1.835), wood (1.690), trees (1.631), tyres (1.609), caramel (1.603), more (1.539), from (1.533), out of (1.519), skin (1.505), house (1.448), our (1.432), over (1.410), some (1.366)


example graph
burntburnt orangefiredownwereorangeto deathaliveoutburnt uphousesasheshouselootedsmell