

Tíðni: 39 Staða: 622.360 Tíðni bekknum: 22

Sjá einnig: terreno


  • Terreno will renovate the property to add additional paved yard for loading and trailer storage and to update the building facade and office. (www.kentreporter.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • Terreno, an acquirer, owner and operator of industrial real estate in six major coastal U.S. markets, purchased its sixth industrial property in five years in Kent. (www.kentreporter.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • From the outside, El Terreno looks like a fast-food joint, complete with a drive-through. (www.fwweekly.com, skríða á 18.11.2016)
  • Terreno has bought seven industrial properties over the last five years in Kent. (www.tunicatimes.com, skríða á 23.11.2016)
  • Terreno has bought seven industrial properties in five years in Kent. (www.kentreporter.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • San Francisco firm buys another Kent property San Francisco’s Terreno Realty Corp. has acquired another industrial property in Kent. (www.businessexaminer.com, skríða á 09.11.2016)
  • Terreno Realty Corporation, an owner and operator of industrial real estate in six major coastal U.S. markets, purchased an industrial property located in Kent effective last Friday for approximately $2.8 million. (www.businessexaminer.com, skríða á 09.11.2016)
  • Terreno Realty acquires building in North Jersey Terreno Realty Corp., an industrial real estate company, announced Wednesday it has acquired an industrial property in northern New Jersey. (www.njbiz.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)
  • Terreno Realty acquires building in North Jersey Terreno Realty Corp., an industrial real estate company, announced Wednesday it has acquired an industrial property in northern New Jersey. (www.njbiz.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)
  • Terreno bought the property in December for $14.9 million subject to a short-term lease and subsequently renovated the property, including an additional paved yard for loading and trailer storage and an update to the building facade and office. (www.tunicatimes.com, skríða á 23.11.2016)

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Kent (167), industrial (158), Realty (157), property (134), Francisco-based (98), $11.2 (75), million (73), Corp. (65), real estate (65), estate (60), $14.9 (59), acquirer (57), $12.3 (55), San (55), bought (51), real (42), operator (40), buys (33), purchased (32), approximately (30), coastal (29), Corporation (26), owner (26), distribution (25), release (24), five (22), markets (20), building (18), company (16), paid (16), in (15), media (13), major (13), six (12), according to (11), according (11), for (11), U.S. (11), years (10,0), an (8,5)
Realty (402)


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