
Say on pay

Tíðni: 3 Staða: 3.237.218 Tíðni bekknum: 26

undirorð: pay, Say


  • Say on pay has opened a lot of dialogue, some of it constructive and some of it challenging. (www.virginiabusiness.com, skríða á 08.11.2016)
  • Say on pay” and shareholder oversights do not apply to nonprofits, but they face their own checks and balances over executive pay. (www.hintonparklander.com, skríða á 04.11.2016)
  • Say on pay has really been much ado about nothing, unless you’re one of the 2 percent of companies where it didn’t pass,” Halloran says. (www.virginiabusiness.com, skríða á 08.11.2016)

Orð með háa tíðni sem nágrannar

Say (53), pay (32), on (12)


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