

Tíðni: 39 Staða: 617.383 Tíðni bekknum: 22


  • You'd need to go into Arizona as far as the western flanks of the Chiricahuas and south to the border, as far north and along a line from Clifton to Reserve to Hillsboro, and then south again to the Mexican border. (www.dumbartonreporter.co.uk, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • In fact, it made sense that the Chiricahuas had left San Carlos and gone to this area because they knew seeps and other possible water sources were available at certain times of the year. (www.dailylocal.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • This mixing of tribes kept tensions high after the government moved the Chiricahuas from San Carlos north to Turkey Creek, near present-day Fort Apache in the White Mountains. (www.tucsonweekly.com, skríða á 24.11.2016)
  • This past year, in one of my Paying Attention workshops, a woman told me her sister and husband had bought a house with acreage in the Chiricahuas, from an old man who told them that there was a diamondback named Charlie on the property. (www.azpm.org, skríða á 02.11.2016)
  • Bob Miller The Chiricahuas are one of Arizona's sky islands, mountains rising abruptly from valley floor, creating isolated habitats for plants and wildlife. (www.kbzk.com, skríða á 11.11.2016)
  • Anyone traveling the Bootheel or along the Chiricahuas down to Douglas, Ariz., will see first hand the proliferation of the Border Patrol. (www.csmonitor.com, skríða á 10.11.2016)
  • But many fair attempts were made to convince the Chiricahuas that their lifestyle was tenuous. (www.desertexposure.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • He would not leave the camp with a white man, and had to be brought into the fort by Chiricahuas. (www.desertexposure.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)
  • Howard also finally arranged a meeting with Cochise of the Chiricahuas that autumn, through the intercession of the frontiersman Thomas Jeffords. (www.theatlantic.com, skríða á 07.11.2016)
  • At some point, some Chiricahua Apaches made a conscious decision to raid, kill and plunder Americans and Mexicans after even some other Chiricahuas (e. (www.desertexposure.com, skríða á 03.11.2016)

Orð með háa tíðni sem nágrannar

Bob Miller (121), Chiricahua (104), Cochise (73), Chiricahua National Monument (68), Apaches (67), Apache (65), Miller (48), Bob (47), Arizona's (40), Monument (35), Mountains (31), Photos (26), Americans (24), Mount (23), the (22), Arizona (20), National (18), of (14), times (10), their (7,9)
the (1.197), The (169)
and (136), are (127)


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ChiricahuasBob MillerChiricahuaCochiseChiricahua National MonumentApachesApacheMillerBobArizona'sMonumentMountainsPhotosAmericansMount