
Arthur Rice

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undirorð: Rice, Arthur


  • Mrs. Rice was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur Rice. (www.mdn.org, skríða á 20.11.2016)
  • She was born in Waterford on May 18, 1913, the daughter of Arthur Rice and Grace Sawin Millett. (www.bridgton.com, skríða á 02.11.2016)
  • Rev. David Arthur Rice passed away Oct. 21, 2013 in Chicago, Ill. David was born Aug. 12, 1939 to Samuel and Elizabeth Rice. (www.pleasantonweekly.com, skríða á 05.11.2016)
  • Members of the group are Kreis French, Dennis Murphy, Arthur Rice, Jeff Chapman, Andy Stringfield, Jerry Martin and Brian Alvey. (www.texarkanagazette.com, skríða á 28.11.2016)
  • It’s now three microphones out front with Arthur Rice (lead), Jeff Chapman (bass) and Jerry Martin (tenor), with Stringfield’s double-double and group co-founder Kries French (bass guitar) and Dennis Murphy on drums. (www.thelancasternews.com, skríða á 15.11.2016)
  • Among those present were (l-r) Little Jan Buckner-Goff, a fellow hall of fame member; Jeff Easter and Morgan Easter, Copsey’s son-in-law and granddaughter; Scott Williamson and Sheri Easter, the honoree’s son and daughter; and Arthur Rice, SGMA president. (www.lincolnjournalonline.com, skríða á 27.11.2016)

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Arthur (98), Rice (95), Jeff (34)


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