
mother of pearl

Nombre d’occurrences: 172 Rang: 248 911 Classe de fréquence: 20

sous-mots: pearl, mother


  • They both look good and do look like mother of pearl however I dont think they are. (, rampé 04.11.2016)
  • And they don't know that there are in Bethlehem today, hundreds of unemployed skilled craftsmen who were once world-renowned for their olive wood carvings and mother of pearl artistic creations. (, rampé 09.11.2016)
  • I find that when I see mother of pearl clutches they are usually always white, but here this one is paired with bright beautiful colors. (, rampé 26.11.2016)
  • Faces come in silver coloring or can be made of mother of pearl with a single decorative diamond to add to the sparkling effect. (, rampé 24.11.2016)
  • A vaulted ceiling, made entirely of gold leaf, still hovers overhead in the dining room and mother of pearl call buttons still peek out from hidden spots on the walls. (, rampé 09.11.2016)
  • There's hope, hurt and anger expressed here, and the brass bullet casings arranged at the base – each one embellished with a bit of mother of pearl and a fake gem – hint at the complex life story behind the work. (, rampé 10.11.2016)
  • This distinct selection of ladies view is readily available with different telephone call shades as example gold reddish, orange and mother of pearl. (, rampé 05.11.2016)
  • Texture is the key, with varied woods, brick and marble — one room is even lined with mother of pearl. (, rampé 11.11.2016)
  • They're made from crushed mother of pearl and aluminum, and are food safe. (, rampé 09.11.2016)
  • Some of the mementos will likely take grandparents on a trip down nostalgia lane such as those lustrous mother of pearl prayer books once treasured by little Catholic girls. (, rampé 17.11.2016)


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