

Nombre d’occurrences: 1 185 699 Rang: 250 Classe de fréquence: 7

Voir aussi: Group, GROUP
Partie du discours: Verbe, Nom
Forme de base de: groups, Groups, Group, grouped, Grouping, Grouped, grouping

Partie de: group will, age group, ethnic group, youth group, interest group, minority group, study group, elite group, control group, peer group, discussion group, group therapy, pressure group, group work, splinter group, income group, Support group, choral group, battle group, group insurance, group dynamics, group shot, training group, breakaway group, task group, plus Youth group, blood group, group practice, play group, group rate, Action group, island group, Business group, reference group, Study group, Working group, special-interest group, Student group, group of advisers, Focus group, Cancer support group, Rescue group, group life insurance, Girl group, Parliamentary group, group policy, group pressure, group marriage, Florida group, primary group, group mind, Army group, Art group, Ethnic group, Circle group, Food group, group psychotherapy, Hacker group, Pop group, group representation, ginger group, group captain, army group, Cultural group, Free group, combat group, group test, secondary group, Singles group, character group, Interest group, functional group, group psychology, kinship group, Brigade group, Parliamentary group leader, Social group, encounter group, group theory, Hate group, Minority group, group analysis, methyl group, Peer group, accommodation group, Bloomsbury group, Platinum group, Space group, Blood group, ARC group, Corporate group, Formal group, Gutai group, Industrial group, group method, stress group, Knot group, Point group, Reference group, Triangle group, bird group, carboxyl group, factor group, Battle group, group annuity, group drive, hydroxyl group, CA group, Carbon group, Crown group, Encounter group, Process group, Sterling group, Thompson group, amino group, group payment, habitat group, point group, Affinity group, Bristol group, Conway group, Galois group, Lyons group, Matrix group, Neighbor group, No Nukes group, Spin group, Suzuki group, abstract group, space group, ABO blood group system, Aymara ethnic group, British business group, Carrier battle group, Census block group, Character group, Classical group, Compact group, Functional group, Hamiltonian group, Imperfect group, Lamplighter group, Loop group, Monster group, Neighbourhood action group, Nominal group, Pickup group, Self help group, Simple group, Small group learning, Species group, Strategic group, Tolerance group, Tutor group, Vilnius group, acetyl group, aldehyde group, alternating group, amphibole group, group medicine, group mixture, group velocity, headed group, ketone group, methoxy group, phosphoryl group, rock-and-roll group, tail group, topological group moins


  • Bible Study Retreat group picture. (, rampé 09.11.2016)
  • A youth group under the coordination of Priscilla Barnett also helped. (, rampé 25.11.2016)
  • There are chuckles among our group. (, rampé 14.11.2016)
  • The group took off after neighbors appeared, but stole the man’s sneaker, Donnelly said. (, rampé 04.11.2016)
  • The Saturday afternoon program will focus on group work, individual training and tours. (, rampé 24.11.2016)
  • The group will report to Provost Steven Lerman and includes faculty and student leaders. (, rampé 03.11.2016)
  • Craig's wife Julie, a recognized singer songwriter, will join the group for a few tunes. (, rampé 02.11.2016)
  • Bilingual staff will guide the group and keep the conversation going. (, rampé 09.11.2016)
  • This January, I met an exceptional group of French-speaking students. (, rampé 13.11.2016)
  • The disclosure means Bebe has joined a growing group of companies hit by data breaches. (, rampé 28.11.2016)

Cooccurrences significatives

of (218 568), a (211 972), group will (185 994), age group (178 314), the (108 180), members (61 213), The (53 054), advocacy (51 280), ethnic group (47 638), youth group (46 654), Islamic (40 062), age (39 848), small (38 275), who (37 058), A (35 939), formed (30 892), militant (30 215), by (28 878), terrorist (26 176), together (25 986), to (25 934), support (25 920), in (25 156), member (24 754), people (22 891), and (21 354), with (21 115), ethnic (21 101), their (19 856), students (19 470), interest group (18 388), called (18 079), working (18 022), minority group (17 690), study group (17 670), meets (17 380), diverse (17 173), an (16 693), that (16 629), elite group (16 294), groups (16 270), volunteers (16 222), part (15 549), from (15 504), youth (15 468), join (14 656), control group (14 653), men (14 637), local (14 578), has (14 381), women (13 970), nonprofit (13 965), its (13 640), young (13 064), joined (12 604), for (12 602), organized (12 572), meeting (12 265), Group (11 972), community (11 757)
the (8 999 790), a (8 282 010), The (3 378 770), A (1 071 320), this (1 060 040), small (748 535), age (719 016), support (483 439), his (441 913), that (407 418), one (366 368), This (351 075), working (328 991), large (324 879), advocacy (318 344), our (301 774), and (278 747), new (245 332), or (238 130), terrorist (236 478), another (234 527), State (224 159), great (201 156), rights (196 887), first (194 813), youth (193 103), ethnic (182 229), their (182 177), diverse (175 653), her (174 388), each (173 251), any (172 878), other (167 333), militant (164 502), same (157 953), of (153 154), Facebook (148 404), core (143 136), local (129 600), in (127 337), the same (124 340), good (123 624), your (119 660), terror (116 963), One (115 262), community (113 591), nonprofit (106 173), student (105 883), select (104 053), research (101 752), trade (98 635), environmental (98 145), second (97 976), rebel (91 809), focus (90 393), for (90 184), to (89 997), interest (81 246), whole (80 583), That (79 739)
of (11 592 600), that (1 774 130), is (1 735 640), has (1 323 160), and (1 186 140), to (1 122 500), in (1 104 260), was (888 831), will (852 522), for (605 326), with (397 838), said (396 063), had (385 739), called (369 650), also (342 594), on (333 659), at (332 347), from (326 936), or (259 682), as (242 205), who (229 647), would (226 528), are (201 457), which (163 820), were (154 670), says (148 409), the (145 388), members (142 844), meets (139 928), have (136 061), can (129 087), that is (108 114), home (105 722), stage (102 139), plans (88 702), by (86 647), could (84 873), made (80 558), wants (79 172), a (77 931), on the (74 899), The (74 462), did (73 029), leader (71 907), known (71 704), homes (69 655), led (67 749), after (67 170), photo (66 043), but (64 142), started (64 140), took (60 826), based (60 593), known as (59 840), includes (59 820), he (59 678), does (59 525), we (59 242), meeting (58 828), effort (57 552)


example graph
groupgroup willage groupmembersadvocacyethnic groupyouth groupIslamicagesmallwhoA