

Nombre d’occurrences: 78 Rang: 405 711 Classe de fréquence: 21

Voir aussi: Creoles, Créoles, créoles
forme de base: creole


  • The lame Minister wasted no time in basically saying that the best way to reduce crime is to start profiling creoles visiting the island since they are the ones committing the crimes. (, rampé 25.11.2016)
  • Without the real creoles taking the lead in the matter, we cannot make any headway, but they must be helped. (, rampé 27.11.2016)
  • The experience of Atlantic creoles provided strategies for containing the abuse and degradation of slavery and even winning freedom. (, rampé 14.11.2016)
  • To this end two creoles went up the river only last year, who, having been out for seven or eight months, brought very little home. (, rampé 03.11.2016)
  • The white planters and creoles chose not to go that route, chose not to betray their race and class Caribbean legacy. (, rampé 23.11.2016)
  • You seem to have an interesting love affair with the white British and French creoles who held you and your ancestry in the utmost contempt and did not even hide it judging by the historical records. (, rampé 08.11.2016)
  • In effect, creoles have fully developed vocabulary and system that compares fairly to standard languages. (, rampé 27.11.2016)
  • In Trinidad, a legal distinction was made between those who were mulatto or free creoles and those who were white and black. (, rampé 23.11.2016)
  • And few creoles seem inclined to move out to the sticks. (, rampé 03.11.2016)
  • It is however true that few free black French creoles became merchants of consequence. (, rampé 23.11.2016)

Cooccurrences significatives

Atlantic (115), French (64), Africans (63), Spaniards (55), black (45), Caribbean (41), Spanish (37), New World (34), themselves (34), Europeans (29), slave (29), slaves (28), masters (27), Dutch (25), white (23), African (22), language (21), English (21), European (20), trading (20), or (18), who (16), century (16), of (16), freedom (16), were (15), World (15), they (13), few (12), North (12), as (11), And (11), their (11), reports (11), America (9,6), and (9,5), came (8,5), them (8,4), social (8,4), known (8,2), not (8,0), order (8,0), than (7,7), free (6,7)
Atlantic (364), French (234), and (229), of (185), the (145), black (109)
and (273), who (206), of (185), were (166), are (131)


example graph
creolesAtlanticFrenchAfricansSpaniardsblackCaribbeanSpanishNew WorldthemselvesEuropeansslaveslavesmastersDutchwhite