

Nombre d’occurrences: 1 164 Rang: 79 558 Classe de fréquence: 17

Voir aussi: Boomerang, BOOMERANG
Partie du discours: Nom
Forme de base de: Boomerang, boomerangs


  • Others found that paying it forward had a surprising boomerang effect. (, rampé 17.11.2016)
  • There are many potential personal and financial rewards to becoming a boomerang family. (, rampé 02.11.2016)
  • After lunch the guide showed us how to throw a boomerang. (, rampé 29.11.2016)
  • Meanwhile, other Georgian leaders insist that the move could boomerang on Russia. (, rampé 18.11.2016)
  • Low production has a boomerang effect on growth, employment and exports. (, rampé 07.11.2016)
  • From further afield, the two towers work together in creating a boomerang effect. (, rampé 23.11.2016)
  • They fear the measure will boomerang and further complicate relations with a longstanding U.S. ally in the Middle East. (, rampé 06.11.2016)
  • No piece of Vote No propaganda was nearly so effective as this boomerang piece of Vote Yes propaganda. (, rampé 11.11.2016)
  • Why isn’t a similar boomerang showing up in other area towns? (, rampé 17.11.2016)
  • Moreover, such an approach might boomerang right back at us. (, rampé 05.11.2016)

Cooccurrences significatives

effect (828), back (617), buyers (291), come back (212), like (175), a (163), throw (116), Refusing (104), Bute House (103), back home (103), throwing (98), Real life (94), could (87), Sloman (85), Boomerang (83), Zelda (82), sanctions (80), kids (78), V-motion (75), taillights (73), boomerangs (70), John Morales (69), lights (68), kangaroo (68), Just for Men (67), come (66), generation (66), effect of (65), will (61), Nissan (61), parents (58), Bute (58), grille (57), adult (56), that (56), shaped (56), forgive (56), On the Buses (56), V-Motion (55), Gale (52), it (52), shape (50), LED (50), Legend (49), home (48), may (48), Australian (46), millennials (44), karma (44), snigger (44), Tag (43), backfire (43), against (42), Australia (41), comes (39), smack (38), return (38), didgeridoo (36), Aboriginal (36), swoosh (36)


example graph