
Walter Phillips Gallery

Nombre d’occurrences: 4 Rang: 2 719 283 Classe de fréquence: 25


  • As a curator and writer, she has held positions at the National Gallery of Canada, the Western Front, and the Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre. (, rampé 01.11.2016)
  • This is the culminating third show of a series that has included Bottles Under the Influence at the Walter Phillips Gallery in Banff, and Consider the Belvedere at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. (, rampé 15.11.2016)
  • "I lived there as a kid," he says, from Banff, where he currently runs the Walter Phillips Gallery. (, rampé 17.11.2016)
  • The Alberta Biennial, which is a partnership between Banff’s Centre’s Walter Phillips Gallery and the Art Gallery of Alberta, is now in its 10th year. (, rampé 29.11.2016)

Cooccurrences significatives

Walter Phillips (127), Walter (64), Phillips (63), Gallery (61), Banff (60), a (8,7)
the (124)


example graph
Walter Phillips GalleryWalter PhillipsWalterPhillipsGalleryBanff