
study group

Numero de locaciones: 1.811 Rango: 60.738 Clase de frecuencia: 16

Ver también: Study group

Subpalabras: group, study


  • A gunman fatally shot nine people attending a Bible study group at church on Wednesday. (, recogido en 21/11/2016)
  • Start a study group Study groups can be an effective tool to improve scholastic performance. (, recogido en 03/11/2016)
  • On Monday there’s a bible study group and on Saturday yoga. (, recogido en 25/11/2016)
  • Singer to visit Bible study group Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. (, recogido en 07/11/2016)
  • She also leads a Bible study group at Oklahoma State University. (, recogido en 01/11/2016)
  • And lastly, recruit friends in the same way you recruit members for a study group. (, recogido en 10/11/2016)
  • She was a member of the First Christian Church and enjoyed her women’s Bible study group. (, recogido en 16/11/2016)
  • The study group will meet again next month. (, recogido en 03/11/2016)
  • Subsequently, she joined a Bible study group who asked her to invite Scott to come along. (, recogido en 02/11/2016)
  • I remember people like Cecil Bond, who taught my junior high Bible study group. (, recogido en 12/11/2016)

Palabras que aparecen en la misma oración

study (21.024), group (17.670), Bible study (5.088), Bible (3.567), group will (626), bible (575), meets (553), a (491), Church (468), Big Book (370), church (284), members (243), at (236), Carrollton (216), meet (209), p.m. (204), Torah study (197), Christian Church (193), Women's Bible (186), 310 (186), member (183), AA (170), Book (168), God's Plan (157), weekly (149), Torah (147), Greendale (144), Lutheran (143), Roof (142), a.m. (135), Fifth (133), meeting (132), Christian (126), formed (124), Wednesday (122), parish (121), of (120), Sanity (115), Scripture (114), Course in Miracles (114), 9:30—10:30 (114), meetHope (114), Tea—Women’s (114), recommendations (113), the church (111), St. (106), Warnke (102), Dylann (98), Bad Girls (96), Wednesdays (91), Miracles (91), Women's (90), class (90), Men's (89), Study (89), joined (85), Emanuel (84), examine (82), A Course in Miracles (82), Deuterocanonical books (81)
a (13.412), the (11.914), Bible (9.944), The (3.444), bible (1.508), Book (939), this (778), A (700), his (599), and (557), or (551), their (509), Torah (459), of (458), book (447), our (323), your (320), Scripture (299), her (280), new (275), technical (269), that (251), bipartisan (247), joint (234), women’s (232), independent (201), adult (198), parish (190), my (186), government (180), local (180), another (179), small (175), tax (173), policy (170), original (166), Miracles (155), first (142), state (137), same (136), One (134), music (132), summer (131), college (129), prison (124), wine (124), separate (123), weekly (121), Palace (113), Body (113), hoc (102), Tea—Women’s (85), Baker-Hamilton (75)
to (3.786), at (3.330), that (3.182), and (2.833), will (2.732), is (2.240), for (1.979), in (1.938), meets (1.843), of (1.824), on (1.782), with (1.513), was (1.156), or (855), were (848), has (779), had (761), members (546), as (476), who (461), meeting (459), meetings (427), from (427), can (368), made (354), called (341), this (333), led (332), leader (325), which (323), also (279), said (244), sessions (230), reported (213), met (209), are (198), would (190), when (188), after (186), should (182), may (181), under (178), does (177), leaders (170), formed (158), by (149), about (145), she (143), into (142), because (140), where (139), going (138), found (135), started (133), among (132), member (132), inside (128), included (128), created (128), hopes (126)

Gráfico de palabras

example graph
study groupstudygroupBible studyBiblegroup willbiblemeetsChurchBig BookchurchmembersCarrolltonmeet