
making right

Numero de locaciones: 274 Rango: 187.227 Clase de frecuencia: 19

Subpalabras: making

Palabras que aparecen en la misma oración

making (2.775), right (2.489), right now (748), turns (550), now (345), decisions (242), choices (172), in the making (114), drivers (90), moves (75), intersection (61), Rob McEwen (59), intersections (56), cars (54), are (50), wrong (50), right and left (49), lanes (46), red (43), wrongs (40), vehicles (40), pedestrians (37), we’re (37), decision (36), McEwen (34), left (34), lights (33), Drivers (32), traffic (32), I’m (30), crosswalks (29), that (29), proves (27), mistakes (26), potholes (26), signals (26), Argentine (26), noises (25), compliment (23), right hand (22), hires (22), onto (22), we're (22), sue (20), lane (20), right on (20), cyclists (20), be able (19), is (18), here (18), mistake (18), not see (18), choice (18), you (18), roads (18), motorists (17), what (16), mean (16), about (16), accidents (15)
now (2.835), turns (1.512), decisions (770), choices (652), here (356), moves (307), and (288), the (249), around (165), or (135), out (133), what (131), hand (119)

Gráfico de palabras

example graph