
hope against hope

Numero de locaciones: 103 Rango: 341.697 Clase de frecuencia: 21

Ver también: Hope Against Hope

Subpalabras: hope, hope


  • These are the children who sit and wait in camps around Europe, who hope against hope that someone, or some country, will take them in. Right now, they wait, in the main, without any reason to hope. (, recogido en 04/11/2016)
  • I’m not really sorry I saw the film, and hope against hope the next ones are better, though I doubt it. (, recogido en 28/11/2016)
  • They might think I have a few thoughts to share, or even — hope against hope — that I might be a caring, non-judgmental, sympathetic ear. (, recogido en 03/11/2016)
  • And everyone continues to hope against hope that they will manage to safely see their way through to the end of the war. (, recogido en 15/11/2016)
  • As fans the world over pull on their favorite player's jersey, wrap themselves in their nation's flag and hope against hope their team at least makes it.. (, recogido en 05/11/2016)
  • What is certain is that Albertans continue to hope against hope that elected officials will finally start working together to turn things around. (, recogido en 26/11/2016)
  • And as the time moves not much seems to be improving, although in the spirit of the New Year one can only hope against hope that some form of miracle will happen for those that believe. (, recogido en 03/11/2016)
  • He is exactly the sort of centrist judge that Republicans normally would hope against hope that Obama might nominate. (, recogido en 03/11/2016)
  • She doesn’t say anything, and I hope against hope that my blunt remark will slide past her radar. (, recogido en 18/11/2016)
  • And that is how America is run, and those who dream of something else only hope against hope. (, recogido en 02/11/2016)

Palabras que aparecen en la misma oración

hope (1.145), against (910), that (88), will (54), hasty retreat (51), first appearance (46), hope for (43), hasty (36), acknowledge (31), embarrassment (28), I (25), can (23), appearance (23), retreat (23), learn from (22), till (21), truth (20), somehow (19), beating (19), they (14), dream (14), war (13), learn (13), sit (13), may (13), might (12), we (12), be (12), see (12), And (11), some (11), those (10,0), only (9,8), this (9,7), continue (9,3), leaders (8,1), try (7,0), find (6,9)

Gráfico de palabras

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