
Lord Mayor of Sheffield

Numero de locaciones: 10 Rango: 1.454.415 Clase de frecuencia: 24

Subpalabras: Lord Mayor, Sheffield, Mayor, Lord


  • The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Coun Denise Fox, met staff and residents and was one of the first visitors to the improved specialist dementia care home. (, recogido en 06/11/2016)
  • The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Please fill in the remaining fields below to complete your registration By registering you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. of the website. (, recogido en 24/11/2016)
  • Lord Mayor of Sheffield Denise Fox also welcomed the move. (, recogido en 06/11/2016)
  • The Star Favourite Things: Highlights of a life in home city with Sheffield’s new Lord Mayor Denise Fox The new Lord Mayor of Sheffield and Birley councillor Denise Fox writes about the best of Sheffield in The Star’s new feature. (, recogido en 16/11/2016)
  • Lord Mayor of Sheffield, UK Mr Talib Hussain said the Pakistani diplomat and diaspora in UK have not properly efforts for Kashmir issue and enhance the trade and investment relations with UK as compare to other South Asian countries like India. (, recogido en 28/11/2016)
  • Lord Mayor of Sheffield Denise Fox presented 14 trainees with their BTEC, customer service and health and safety qualifications. (, recogido en 06/11/2016)
  • “What better way to do this then to help my mum, who is the current Lord Mayor of Sheffield, raise as much money as she possibly can for her four chosen charities which are close to her heart.” (, recogido en 24/11/2016)
  • The Deputy Lord Mayor of Sheffield Anne Murphy and Molly Meleady-Hanley, 13, of Mount St.Mary's College, pictured laying a wreath during the Somme Anniversary service. (, recogido en 16/11/2016)
  • Retro: Sheffield’s royal visitor opens city flats The Queen Mother received a boisterous welcome from tenants and their children as she arrived to officially open Hyde Park Flats on June 23, 1966 with Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Ald Lionel Farris. (, recogido en 16/11/2016)
  • Pictured with the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Councillor Denise Fox are Xi-an Dilaurenzio, four, Nesrit Mabrhtu, four, and Roza Salih, five. (, recogido en 24/11/2016)

Palabras que aparecen en la misma oración

Lord Mayor (233), Sheffield (178), Lord (145), Mayor (128), Denise (76), Fox (60), of (20), with (7,8), The (7,1)

Gráfico de palabras

Lord Mayor of SheffieldLord MayorSheffieldLordMayorDeniseFox