

Number of occurrences: 4,840 Rank: 17,788 Frequency class: 13

Words with Similar Context:

alik | NASA | ISS | Antariksa | antariksa


  • Seperti dimuat Space. (us.teknologi.news.viva.co.id, collected on 03/02/2014)
  • Space hardisk yang dibutuhkan besar. (animekompi.web.id, collected on 04/02/2014)
  • Selain itu, pihaknya akan melakukan verifikasi soal status dan perizinan dari Space Toon. (zahra.co.id, collected on 12/02/2014)
  • Seperti dimuat laman Space. (smpn1kra.sch.id, collected on 01/02/2014)
  • Space users adalah mereka yang menginginkan membeli semua real estate yang disewakan. (jual-perumahan.blogspot.com, collected on 08/05/2012)
  • Gagasan visualnya ialah Ruang Pameran atau Exhibition Space, ruang yang maknanya lebih luas, tidak hanya dalam sebuah kotak. (www.senirupaikj.ac.id, collected on 31/01/2014)
  • Mainan robot canggih ini dibuat sesuai dengan yang ada di serial Lost In Space. (elearning.univpancasila.ac.id, collected on 03/02/2014)
  • Bahkan saya baru dengar yang namanya MSN Space dan Yahoo Blog. (www.virtual.co.id, collected on 30/01/2014)
  • Kita tunggu saja kejutan apa yang akan diberikan Rovio pada update Angry Birds Space yang akan datang. (fmipa.uniga.ac.id, collected on 02/02/2014)
  • Hati-hati jika mengunduh game Angry Birds Space dari Android Market yang tak resmi. (portal.skspmigas-esdm.go.id, collected on 03/02/2014)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

NASA (5,791), Art (3,632), Angry (3,323), Birds (3,169), angkasa (3,066), International Space Station (2,769), Center (2,747), Aeronautics (2,644), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2,323), Telescope (2,128), European Space Agency (2,110), Kennedy Space Center (2,033), European (1,964), and (1,925), Station (1,718), National (1,710), Agency (1,641), Administration (1,455), Sangkring (1,434), ISS (1,425), Space Shuttle (1,354), Goddard (1,316), Hubble Space Telescope (1,316), Flight (1,284), Kennedy (1,246), Selasar (1,243), astronot (1,239), Hubble (1,209), International (1,209), Toon (1,116), SABDA (1,071), Shuttle (1,007), Antariksa (993), antariksa (987), ESA (977), satelit (907), Rovio (853), game (825), Sunaryo (814), ruang (707), My (650), Aeronautic (637), di (619), Florida (616), Science (599), of (587), Odyssey (578), Angkasa (573), Satelit (562), pameran (529), Exploration (524), Mars (509), diluncurkan (508), Institute (501), Disk (501), Space Battleship Yamato (484), Dead (461), teleskop (461), Johnson (461), Amerika Serikat (455)
Art (5,422), Birds (4,595), and (2,845), European (2,135), International (1,969), Kennedy (1,873), SABDA (1,510), Goddard (1,505), Hubble (1,462), My (1,088), Johnson (770), Dead (737), Disk (658), Deep (594), Open (594), Apollo (435), Spitzer (427), Outer (427), Alenia (353), Vector (300), Tanegashima (291), dilansir (291), of (281), Webb (277), National (273), A (272), Melansir (271), laman (270), Dhawan (268), Free (264), Indian (255), Sabda (248), Marshall (248), in (213), for (199), Bird (183), Address (158), Public (158), Slooh (148), Regional (135), Aero (133), Confined (132), Generalized (128), Pengheng (125), White (120), Cyber (119), Paragon (118), dikutip (115), Gamma-ray (113), Teleskop Hubble (104), Soldier (104), tombol (98), Creative (96), Herschel (96), Decoding (95), World (85), Arts (84), Working (83), Unallocated (83), Chabot (81)
Telescope (2,881), Station (2,599), Center (2,464), Agency (2,431), Administration (2,166), Flight (1,855), Toon (1,615), Shuttle (1,306), Odyssey (852), Exploration (558), Battleship (522), Research (518), Invaders (482), Science (471), Weather (459), Station/ISS (375), Academy (368), Museum (368), Adventures (351), Launch (337), Oddity (332), Centre (327), Elevator (300), Needle (285), Frame (280), Studies (225), Administration/NASA (225), Treaty (223), Gray (208), Grey (205), Sciences (201), Agency/ESA (200), ENvironment (200), Network (184), Company (181), Layout (174), Age (169), Time (167), Education (153), Technology (152), System (149), Systems (143), Security (127), Affairs (122), Nine (121), Aducation (120), Model (117), Bar (117), Week (115), Command (114), Imaging (108), Mountain (105), Camp (105), Salon (103), Syntax (100), and (100), Surveillance (99), Port (98), Cowboy (98), Cube (96)

Word graph

example graph
SpaceNASAArtAngryBirdsangkasaInternational Space StationCenterAeronauticsNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationTelescopeEuropean Space AgencyKennedy Space CenterEuropeanandStation