

Number of occurrences: 57,029 Rank: 2,742 Frequency class: 9

Words with Similar Context:

Grup | Holdings | Corporation | Ltd | Ltd.


  • Joint Group Hidup Tenang PT. (www.konghucu.com, collected on 08/05/2012)
  • Crown Group semakin agresif melahap pasar Asia. (swa.co.id, collected on 09/02/2014)
  • Visi kami, ke depan Caraka Group bukan hanya survive di pasar domestik. (pharmacommunity.blogspot.com, collected on 08/05/2012)
  • Wilmar Group melalui anak perusahaannya PT. (www.analisadaily.com, collected on 07/01/2013)
  • Di lantai dua fokusnya adalah tempat penjualan cinderamata dan foto-foto Sampurna Group Hingga saat ini. (trustwidhi.wordpress.com, collected on 08/05/2012)
  • Laporan yang dirilis oleh NPD Group juga menunjukkan penjualan desktop yang tahun ini mulai merosot. (www.idekami.web.id, collected on 02/02/2014)
  • Kedua bersaudara ini berasal dari Djarum Group, perusahaan yang mereka warisi dari ayahnya. (website.dinar.co.id, collected on 10/02/2014)
  • Lulu Group melihat bisnis jasa finansial cukup prospektif. (camagree.petra.ac.id, collected on 30/01/2014)
  • ADR Group sebagai produsen filter Sakura sudah memastikan diri akan tampil lagi di IIMS. (bersama.web.id, collected on 31/01/2014)
  • Crown Group berkembang cepat. (www.radarlampung.co.id, collected on 13/02/2014)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Discussion (19,489), perusahaan (18,440), PT (15,902), Focus (14,870), Working (10,793), FGD (10,522), Media Group (10,450), Ltd (9,756), CEO (9,252), Jawa Pos Group (8,255), MNC (8,135), Indonesia (7,853), Lippo (7,528), Inc (7,324), saham (7,221), Consulting (6,873), Financial (6,512), Head (6,253), Holdings (5,844), Direktur (5,759), di (5,720), Pos (5,287), Jawa Pos (5,075), of (4,927), Investigation (4,847), Para Group (4,790), Bakrie (4,714), Banking (4,655), International (4,630), Media (4,581), Bank (4,553), Bird (4,400), DBS (4,255), Frontier (4,238), bisnis (4,216), Telkom (4,111), Ciputra (4,050), Goldman Sachs (3,899), Sachs (3,759), Marketing (3,737), Tbk (3,698), Goldman (3,672), Blue (3,608), Express (3,569), CIMB (3,561), Director (3,471), Komentar (3,291), Femina (3,252), terbesar (3,170), Agung Podomoro Group (3,159), Design (3,121), Sinar (3,044), Perusahaan (3,012), Agri (2,998), President (2,943), Chairman (2,796), Control (2,666), JPNN (2,633), Permai (2,624), BMW (2,535)
Focus (21,950), Working (16,215), MNC (11,846), Lippo (10,845), Consulting (10,668), Pos (8,738), Financial (8,022), Telkom (7,702), Jawa Pos (7,342), Bird (7,321), Banking (7,118), Media (6,620), Komentar (6,480), Express (6,335), CIMB (6,056), Ciputra (5,964), Goldman Sachs (5,907), DBS (5,838), Sachs (5,760), Femina (5,326), Bakrie (4,765), BMW (4,710), Agri (4,514), Control (4,339), Permai (4,027), Play (3,591), Martha Tilaar (3,493), Mas (3,382), Tilaar (3,364), Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (3,287), Agung Podomoro (3,131), Podomoro (3,114), Consultative (3,108), Kalla (3,079), Technology (2,964), Vocal (2,935), Riau Pos (2,795), JPNN (2,769), Research (2,688), Nasmoco (2,662), Astra (2,628), Suisse (2,626), Crisis (2,626), Sugar (2,625), Credit Suisse (2,620), Wilmar (2,575), Advisory (2,486), Royal Bank of Scotland (2,268), Bank of Scotland (2,250), Maspion (2,231), Cipaganti (2,174), Lotte (2,076), Salim (2,054), Business (2,011), Scotland (1,996), Crown (1,993), Axiata (1,911), Lenovo (1,880), NPD (1,866), User (1,866)
Discussion (26,416), Inc (10,182), Ltd (7,690), Investigation (7,255), Holdings (5,534), Head (4,864), PLC (3,671), on (3,658), Design (3,285), Inc. (2,425), Plc (2,424), AG (2,101), Bakrie (1,684), Limited (1,669), of (1,654), Ltd. (1,596), Holding (1,453), Companies (1,450), LLC (1,411), Band (1,295), Telkomsel (1,279), Co (1,256), Discusion (1,044), Hary Tanoesoedibjo (1,028), Berhad (985), Policy (983), Hary (904), Indonesia (758), Pretest-Posttest (728), telah (699), berencana (696), Co. (597), Chief (592), Pretest (584), Lippo (576), merupakan (513), CEO (508), adalah (500), Musik (492), JPNN (458), Meeting (446), band (426), Company (424), Manager (421), Leader (412), for (368), Chat (353), Astra (351), Pretest-Postest (330), Disscusion (321), Permai (319), Bhd (316), juga (302), Disscussion (293), memiliki (292), MNC (284), asal (281), ini (261), Pre-test (261), A (258)

Word graph

example graph
GroupDiscussionperusahaanPTFocusWorkingFGDMedia GroupLtdCEOJawa Pos GroupMNCLippoIncsaham