

Number of occurrences: 12 Rank: 1,324,386 Frequency class: 24


  • Most fungicides are wettable powders and as such should be protected from exposure to high levels of humidity which will reduce the ability of the fungicide to form a suspension when placed in a spray tank. (www.news-journal.com, collected on 29/11/2016)
  • Bring your lunch and wear wettable shoes or boots, as some stream walking may be required. (www.channel3000.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • For example, avoid using dusts or wettable powder insecticide formulations because they generally are more toxic to bees. (www.roundupweb.com, collected on 23/11/2016)
  • An organic spray of Neem oil or wettable sulfur should help in keeping it at bay. (www.darientimes.com, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • Also wash out the nozzles to remove any trash or wettable powders. (www.news-journal.com, collected on 29/11/2016)
  • The leaves are hydrophobic, not wettable, and myriad gemlike air bubbles adhere to them when submerged. (www.nashvillecitypaper.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • The volatilized compounds then move downward into the soil, concentrating around soil particles in the cool soil layers below, leading to a shallow wettable layer at the soil surface but an intensified water-repellent zone below. (www.gainsboroughstandard.co.uk, collected on 25/11/2016)
  • Use wettable sulfur plus captan or a multipurpose fruit spray plus sulfur. (www.thejewishstar.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • Sevin comes in several different forms and strength formulations, a 4 lb. liquid, 80 percent wettable powder, and an XLR 4 lb. formulation. (www.witf.org, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • The dust formulation or wettable powder was tired on mol luscs, speci fically on golden snail - the major rice pest problem in the Philippines and was found to be effective. (www.maceandcrown.com, collected on 12/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

powder (38), spray (37), or (26)
or (151)
powder (81)

Word graph

example graph