
  • Join your favorite Rebel Birds in an epic battle to save the universe against the evil Imperial Pigs. (www.ynetnews.com, collected on 25/11/2016)
  • Must be blissful living in your fact free universe. (www.wwl.com, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • Nuclear physicists are using sophisticated tests to try to find the ultimate particles of the universe. (www.thoroldedition.ca, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • In the universe, there exists boundless possibility. (www.petroleumnews.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Everything about these smacks of the early universe. (www.azpbs.org, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • In that universe, apparently, it makes sense for J Street to call itself pro-Israel. (www.planet-tonga.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • The Almighty Creator of the universe loves His creation. (www.jweekly.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • The code that runs the universe may defy human analysis. (www.thesouthernreporter.co.uk, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • As the universe exploded in flames, our brains were blasted blank. (www.antiwar.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • I write all day and outline stories, a sports mythological universe. (nehandaradio.com, collected on 16/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

the (11,578), of (7,439), parallel (5,544), galaxies (5,173), God (4,997), alternate (4,937), Marvel (4,534), is (3,560), that (3,318), center (3,301), Star Wars (3,202), Wars (2,934), in (2,915), stars (2,773), planets (2,711), Big Bang (2,702), Star (2,417), cinematic (2,412), entire (2,352), Earth (2,276), created (2,251), our (2,233), Bang (2,233), cosmic (2,027), life (2,006), human (1,967), galaxy (1,890), earth (1,812), expanding (1,756), mysteries (1,715), world (1,701), infinite (1,700), existence (1,679), planet (1,586), Creator (1,577), physics (1,549), beings (1,539), theory (1,539), scientists (1,537), Hubble (1,535), DC (1,533), characters (1,498), Harry Potter universe (1,492), expanding universe (1,441), whole (1,437), we (1,427), dark (1,408), moral (1,384), nature (1,371), us (1,337), exist (1,266), creator (1,265), understanding (1,238), creation (1,219), astronomers (1,213), arc (1,197), place in (1,147), everything (1,137), science (1,136), into (1,122)
the (727,964), a (39,947), our (33,257), The (30,013), this (25,645), entire (24,475), parallel (20,997), alternate (19,428), whole (13,300), moral (9,535), known (8,944), cinematic (8,778), the whole (8,575), Wars (7,451), Star Wars (7,174), Marvel (7,123), alternative (6,919), another (6,703), that (6,622), early (6,434), new (6,311), own (5,757), same (5,701), the same (5,502), different (5,385), their (5,362), of (5,043), my (4,908), and (4,905), his (4,648), political (4,506), vast (4,188), physical (4,182), Potter (3,873), on the (3,791), what (3,775), DC (3,519), your (3,421), expanding (3,278), digital (3,237), Harry Potter (3,120), fictional (3,015), media (2,857), movie (2,750), its (2,566), Trek (2,559), her (2,548), observable (2,471), larger (2,431), football (2,283), musical (2,129), Star Trek (2,128), sports (2,042), Comics (2,033), book (2,007), little (1,995), small (1,926), coverage (1,740), A (1,727), one (1,719)
is (88,945), of (79,704), and (76,428), in (37,230), that (33,149), to (26,546), was (24,399), has (20,996), as (18,451), where (17,706), with (15,940), for (13,518), will (12,017), from (7,926), are (7,332), would (6,323), at (5,993), we (5,644), by (5,485), or (5,480), on (5,063), can (4,864), works (4,335), than (4,220), around (4,151), itself (4,128), but (4,057), into (3,992), that is (3,991), had (3,800), when (3,613), came (3,407), who (3,181), does (3,098), through (3,080), have (2,975), the (2,897), a (2,806), may (2,741), which (2,633), could (2,521), without (2,457), and all (2,367), were (2,241), began (2,187), because (2,157), The (2,005), you (1,985), created (1,975), so (1,966), out (1,947), just (1,919), he (1,898), I (1,829), should (1,737), together (1,626), like (1,594), after (1,589), seems (1,576), did (1,543)

Word graph

example graph
universeparallelgalaxiesGodalternateMarvelcenterStar WarsWarsstarsplanets