

Number of occurrences: 5,030 Rank: 32,341 Frequency class: 15

See also: Twenties
Part of speech: Noun
Baseform: twenty


  • Julius, in his late twenties, a refugee activist from Dresden, walks around the property. (www.rossendalefreepress.co.uk, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Lucero did not begin kayaking until his early twenties, but he always loved the outdoors. (www.nmmagazine.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Many people get smarter in their twenties, even thirties, surprising themselves and parents. (www.dailyiowan.com, collected on 21/11/2016)
  • Perhaps these thoughts are merely the residual arrogance of my twenties. (www.citizen-times.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • The complainants described the individuals as slim built, tall and within their twenties. (www.ctv3belizenews.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • You’re in your later twenties. (www.brooklynrail.org, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • In his early twenties he prosecuted major drug cases, rapes and murders. (www.greenwichmag.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Finlay said her younger brother, Willy White, was heading down the wrong path in his early twenties. (www.themanchesterenterprise.com, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • Mental health conditions often start to show up in the early twenties. (usmfreepress.org, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • These barbarians are young men and boys, in their teens and early twenties. (www.newsweekly.com.au, collected on 23/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

early (8,820), thirties (6,574), in (5,893), teens (4,287), late (4,188), their (2,964), his (2,135), my (2,063), young (1,394), her (1,176), mid (1,109), man (833), forties (796), was (779), described (662), roaring (646), male (634), when (628), men (591), I (587), fifties (513), age (476), hair (398), and (389), young man (368), be in (349), women (339), who (325), woman (313), suspect (277), wearing (274), a man (273), sixties (269), white (269), tall (252), were (252), black (251), In (244), all in (243), 5ft (238), she (235), aged (230), males (184), spent (184), younger (180), dark (171), a (166), tens (160), had (156), as (148), seventies (140), life (140), slim (136), still (136), eighties (130), older (129), married (127), mid-to-late (124), Caucasian (123), girl (122)
early (43,461), their (31,630), his (21,684), my (17,453), late (17,005), her (13,579), the (11,333), and (6,887), your (6,320), mid (3,705), our (3,344), roaring (2,131), low (1,432), of (1,126), in (1,015), high (948), two (737), or (622), young (397), The (357), mid-to-late (354), My (309), middle (296), nineteen (294), upper (240), to (219), a (217), the two (177), mid- (170), one’s (160), teens/early (157), person’s (154), few (141), later (139), a few (138), earlier (134), Your (134), one's (118), counterfeit (111)
and (26,184), to (5,625), or (4,164), who (3,939), when (3,607), in (2,820), are (2,716), with (2,622), I (2,539), was (2,120), were (1,721), is (1,649), that (1,552), as (1,468), from (1,458), he (1,309), for (1,276), but (892), at (784), the (749), she (740), has (722), have (635), had (616), on (601), after (601), now (506), of (477), wearing (404), by (397), will (397), living (390), can (385), because (373), before (370), this (347), you (345), where (327), trying (308), it (303), through (282), during (279), would (245), so (242), into (242), if (240), back (237), we (200), at the time of (197), may (189), told (186), as well (185), working (185), without (185), whose (176), named (176), and all (172), living in (170), anymore (165), sustained (162)

Word graph

example graph