

Number of occurrences: 26 Rank: 805,968 Frequency class: 23

Baseform: supernumerary


  • Considering these three security guards as supernumeraries, we provided them with the necessary facilities to come back to Sri Lanka aboard ship. (www.tomahawkleader.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • Most members are supernumeraries, who live in their own homes, generally are married or intend to marry but participate in the prayer life of Opus Dei and support the organization’s apostolic work. (www.mvariety.com, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • If you aren’t up for ditties from the Washington Opera’s off-duty supernumeraries, skip Thursdays – otherwise book a table as fast as you can. (www.lifeinitaly.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • The snake, a clever segmented creation, is sizable enough to require several stagehands to carry and operate it, while supernumeraries shake intimidating rattles about its tail. (www.mdn.org, collected on 27/11/2016)
  • Verismo Opera has openings for supernumeraries of any age to appear in costume and carry banners. (www.paramuspost.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • She's not bothering anyone except, it seems, a bunch of City Hall supernumeraries bent on creating a bean-counting nightmare for a constituent. (www.theanchor.ca, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • No animals, to be sure, but dozens of supernumeraries emerged from the pyramid erected within the confines of the Naumburg Bandshell, where every scene seems to be set on the inside of a gigantic golf ball. (www.nysun.com, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Governments have never governed, only redistributed, and they are becoming more and more only supernumeraries. (www.newsweekly.com.au, collected on 13/11/2016)
  • Community members are invited to get involved as supernumeraries and volunteers. (www.paramuspost.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Children, who are interested in gaining experience on the stage as supernumeraries, are invited to attend the open house and learn more about performing opportunities in Cavalleria Rusticana. (www.paramuspost.com, collected on 21/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Opus Dei (57), Opus (48), Dei (44), Opera (34), married (29), members (23), carry (21), production (18), as (11), are (9.5)
as (239)

Word graph

supernumerariesOpus DeiOpusDeiOperamarriedmemberscarryproduction