

Number of occurrences: 12 Rank: 1,322,722 Frequency class: 24

See also: Suicide's


  • From a match to light a forest fire to belted bombs of self-destruction, the suicide's last breath of air is sweetened by the slaughter of strangers standing nearby. (www.american-reporter.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • To truly understand suicide's seriousness, you must also consider the number of people attempting suicide. (www.creators.com, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • If suicide is a protected expression of 2A rights, then surely harming the suicide's family after the exercise of that right is unjust. (www.readthehook.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • College worried about impact of physician-assisted death St. Joseph's College warns of assisted suicide's possible impact on students. (www.wcr.ab.ca, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • Factors increasing suicide's likelihood include higher parental divorce rates, parental abuse, exposure to television, availability of hand guns and "the isolation and alienation from caring adults both at home and at the school". (www.starcanterbury.co.nz, collected on 23/11/2016)
  • Walking away from suicide's call September is Suicide Prevention Month Shallow pockets? (www.ecurrent.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Chilliwack is not immune to suicide's consequential reach. (www.the-news-leader.com, collected on 15/11/2016)
  • It (at least tacitly) supported civil legislation which caused the suicide's property to escheat to the Crown, thereby depriving the family of its means of support. (www.catholiccourier.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • "We want people to know that suicide's not the answer, that there is hope," said organizer Jacob Nash. (www.wcpo.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • "There's a history of suicide in my family — my dad and his father both took their lives, and I think suicide's the No. 1 killer of young teens," Rousey said in video posted by TMZ. (www.nydailynews.com, collected on 28/11/2016)

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