

Number of occurrences: 61 Rank: 473,063 Frequency class: 21

See also: Skanking


  • They’re still skanking across stages nationwide with their unique blend of ska, punk and pop — a sound they developed creating in a vacuum, bringing the genre to a place where it didn’t really exist. (www.northernexpress.com, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • So get your skanking pants on for tomorrow and, believe me, you’ll need them because they are a quite sensational live band. (www.csbj.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • If this came on my headphones in High School I would start skanking wherever I was, which could be awkward but I’d rather be jamming out to Ska than whatever boring shit that was going on around me. (www.newcanaannewsonline.com, collected on 21/11/2016)
  • And that’s what people kind of associated with ska music – the suit and tie, the checkers, the skanking. (www.mondaymag.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • The all-ages crowd sang along to both, dancing and skanking as Hibbert rocked away from above. (www.tampabay.com, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Even if you’ve never gone skanking to their beat, you know they’re around. (www.anorak.co.uk, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • Opening with Stand Down Margaret, the crowd needs no prompting as they get their feet and begin skanking with fervour. (www.oxfordmail.co.uk, collected on 21/11/2016)
  • It’s like that pack of boys in junior high who would stand in a circle, jumping and screaming, skanking and moshing their way along to their favorite punk band. (www.bognor.co.uk, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • Guns talking to coffin screams, the legacy Of image, thing & investment banking It don’t mean a thing if no one’s skanking Aren’t you tired of fighting to be free? (www.brooklynrail.org, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • My feet are still aching from sheer amount of skanking that took place! (www.bordercountiesadvertizer.co.uk, collected on 02/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

ska (175), moshing (121), band (53), dancing (51), reggae (49), crowd (46), dance (41), circle (34), Bernie Sanders (28), and (25), Bernie (24), Sanders (20), the crowd (20), sound (15), music (13), fans (13), time (12), set (10.0), room (9.2), a (8.9), their (7.4), along (7.4), start (7.2), still (7.2)
and (270), of (183), the (143)
and (355), to (184), in (137)

Word graph

skankingskamoshingbanddancingreggaecrowddancecircleBernie SandersBernieSandersthe crowdsoundmusic