

Number of occurrences: 5,360 Rank: 31,085 Frequency class: 15

See also: Shorten, SHORTEN
Part of speech: Verb
Baseform of: shortens, shortening, shortened

Part of: shorten sail

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

to (2,075), time (1,864), the time (1,144), length (1,066), duration (978), the duration (931), days (788), lengthen (784), reduce (769), life (743), can (724), the (716), lifespan (663), period (624), the distance (588), distance (544), times (538), will (483), wait (470), Topics (441), turnbull (431), commute (418), malcolm (407), your (392), process (389), LOCALS (385), would (382), hours (343), bill (339), help (305), travel time (299), and (281), symptoms (281), distance between (274), life span (259), school year (244), sentences (240), or (233), may (231), it (230), travel (224), Locals (216), could (213), between (212), telomeres (212), waiting (206), span (205), the amount (200), simplify (190), lines (189), colds (188), Gladstone (185), length of time (181), significantly (181), cut (179), distances (176), lessen (174), improve (173), route (172), patients (169)

Word graph

example graph