See also:
Shoe, SHOE
Part of speech:
Verb, Noun
Baseform of:
shoeing, shoes, Shoe, Shoes, shod
Part of: shoe store, shoe box, shoe leather, shoe polish, shoe department, tennis shoe, wooden shoe, shoe shiner, shoe tree, where the shoe pinches, shoe peg, golf shoe, track shoe, court shoe, gym shoe, shoe cleaner, Athletic shoe, Oxford shoe, canvas shoe, shoe last, shoe merchant, work shoe, brake shoe, shoe dealer, shoe dye, more shoe repaired, saddle shoe, shoe buckle, shoe polisher, shoe blacking, shoe nail, bar shoe, cutting shoe, half shoe, 2001 shoe bomb plot, Diabetic shoe, blocked shoe, casing shoe, die shoe, drive shoe, shoe board, shoe button, shoe findings, tap shoe, tire shoe less