

Number of occurrences: 3 Rank: 3,447,446 Frequency class: 26


  • Hope they can sleep at night damaging civilisation like that. julianbirdbath The one that makes me have to step out of the shop and regurge in my hanky begins "last C'rismus I gev you my heart" I just looked it up and it's by something called Wham. (www.southwalesargus.co.uk, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • The one that makes me have to step out of the shop and regurge in my hanky begins "last C'rismus I gev you my heart" I just looked it up and it's by something called Wham. (www.southwalesargus.co.uk, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • It's a pure consumer fest now. julianbirdbath 4:45pm Sun 7 Dec 14 The one that makes me have to step out of the shop and regurge in my hanky begins "last C'rismus I gev you my heart" I just looked it up and it's by something called Wham. (www.southwalesargus.co.uk, collected on 06/11/2016)

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