

Number of occurrences: 38 Rank: 634,932 Frequency class: 22


  • As A.M. Costa Rica reported Tuesday, the results of these reevaluations have caused panic in some areas where the new values cause the tax bills to soar. (www.amcostarica.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • The release of those images and source material will add to the discussion of the history of the South Bay, and no doubt spark both reevaluations and arguments about the history of race relations in the area. (www.easyreadernews.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • At the very least, these students deserve reevaluations of their status as members of the community before final expulsion. (www.dailyprincetonian.com, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • Tributación is unlikely to stop at beach concessions The local Costa Rican tax collectors have been getting lessons from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, and the sweeping reevaluations of Pacific concession property is just the first step. (www.arabianbusiness.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • He said the Assessor's Office cannot speculate as to future trends when reassessing properties, but must have current real estate sales figures to constitute the reevaluations. (www.citizenreviewonline.org, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • Neighboring communities are spending millions of dollars for reevaluations and borrowing millions of dollars to cover their losses from tax appeals because they didn’t do what we did. (www.theobserver.ca, collected on 23/11/2016)
  • By posting the following information as a comment to this story, you can share with your fellow taxpayers how the reevaluations affected you. (www.barrowjournal.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • It would appear reevaluations should have been completed prior, to voting on the yearly budget, to avoid the rate increase. (www.cumnockchronicle.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • Periodic reevaluations of the plan should be in order to make adjustments and work toward the objective safely. (www.theindependent.co.zw, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • The city will roll back their millage rate later this year to reflect the property reevaluations done by the county. (www.statesboroherald.com, collected on 23/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

time (15), tax (12), history (12), By (11), Tuesday (10), The (7.3), are (6.9)
the (185)
of (386), and (264), are (126)

Word graph
