

Number of occurrences: 233 Rank: 206,825 Frequency class: 19

See also: Redoubt
Baseform of: Redoubt, redoubts

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

last (145), Slaviansk (94), mountain (94), troops (88), of (85), blockhouses (80), major operation (79), Fort (75), Fort Holmes (72), a (68), rebels (60), southern (60), Counter (60), rebel (56), fortified (56), Iraq (55), the (54), Connective (53), in (51), preppers (51), loyalists (51), Le Moyne College (49), Mosul (49), Terrorism (49), elite (48), Taliban (47), urban (47), Sirte (46), northern (44), surrounded (43), Kadhafi (43), Moyne (42), War of 1812 (37), Syria (37), now (36), 1812 (33), militants (32), launched (32), Aleppo (32), Laden (32), region (32), Occupation (31), army (31), almost (30), Assad (30), eastern (29), separatists (28), most (28), forces (28), dorms (27), vulnerable (27), tiny (27), desert (26), Gaddafi (26), 250,000 (26), prized (26), Tripoli (26), Sabha (25), Corridor (25), conservative (25)
a (1,237), last (1,099), the (887), mountain (363), urban (240), his (177), fortified (142), that (141), Taliban (105), desert (101), rebel (100)

Word graph

example graph