

Number of occurrences: 3 Rank: 3,446,327 Frequency class: 26


  • The employer shall be rebuttably presumed in violation of this requirement if more than half of the employer’s workforce is comprised of part-­‐time or subcontracted workers. (www.statesman.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • The employer shall be rebuttably presumed in compliance with this requirement if over 90% of its workforce is comprised of full-­‐time employees. (www.statesman.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • She found that Mustari had welcomed the child into her home and held him out to the world as her natural child—the standard for rebuttably presuming paternity, under Family Code Sec. 7611, on the part of a man disclaiming it. (www.miamiherald.com, collected on 12/11/2016)

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