

Number of occurrences: 2,533 Rank: 49,616 Frequency class: 16

See also: Pronouncement
Part of speech: Noun
Baseform of: pronouncements


  • Thing is, this wasn't really an unusual pronouncement, coming from Cricket. (www.witf.org, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • That grim pronouncement might just be the beginning. (www.prrecordgazette.com, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • Though an explosive issue, some question the efficacy of the pronouncement itself. (www.ihavenet.com, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • Her latest pronouncement is that God anointed Trump to be president. (www.silive.com, collected on 15/11/2016)
  • Any pronouncement about the death of the Barnett, however, may be greatly exaggerated. (www.reporternews.com, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • Baugh never signed a written sentencing order after making his oral pronouncement in the case. (www.csmonitor.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • The above pronouncement by President Jonathan, to me, is highly undemocratic. (www.edmontonjournal.com, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • Her pronouncement was met with jubilation from thousands of women across the political divide. (www.frostillustrated.com, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • No one officially dies in-flight unless there’s a doctor on board to make the pronouncement. (www.kpam.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • Any surprise that he should speak soon after Bush’s pronouncement? (www.ghanadot.com, collected on 11/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

made (871), that (714), President (412), the (363), by (325), of (320), his (308), Duterte’s (276), public (262), Duterte (234), make (207), policy (197), official (175), recent (165), not (152), any (148), judicial (145), President’s (140), Court (124), Supreme (116), a (115), this (111), government (108), was (107), Lungu (103), on (103), statement (101), political (100), latest (97), no (93), on the (91), mere (89), would (88), Supreme Court (86), talaq (86), Rodrigo (84), Minister (84), war-fatigued (83), he (83), authoritative (77), judgement (76), after (71), Aquino (70), verdict (68), court (68), judgment (67), it/he (66), is (66), every (65), Mindanao (64), such (63), papal (61), Court’s (60), Philippines (58), earlier (58), bold (57), Government (57), despite (56), Secretary (55), Neustaldt's (55)
the (15,819), a (8,923), his (4,062), this (3,875), public (3,721), The (3,711), that (2,531), recent (1,938), policy (1,654), This (1,373), every (1,241), latest (1,192), any (1,189), official (1,158), its (887), judicial (872), earlier (830), their (739), her (725), first (713), such (688), of (612), grand (606), His (577), Duterte’s (518), and (515), That (512), final (499), President’s (475), no (451), another (436), famous (427), on the (419), your (413), new (411), Her (406), for (401), bold (399), or (379), formal (379), the public (372), mere (333), one (330), previous (328), authoritative (290), make (275), next (269), own (268), papal (266), clear (254), similar (251), with this (241), initial (239), sweeping (221), October (217), kind of (215), religious (206), our (192), my (189), last (187)
of (15,146), that (11,746), on (7,623), by (5,624), was (3,649), is (3,415), from (3,249), on the (2,851), in (2,468), to (2,467), and (2,367), about (1,877), has (1,231), as (1,204), came (1,072), at (944), for (918), made (820), during (814), will (794), with (721), or (604), after (540), should (529), would (506), the (426), had (420), against (398), last (320), a (313), which (283), could (275), before (273), may (271), he (244), when (236), without (222), against the (213), be (201), also (192), if (188), because (186), coming (176), followed (170), yesterday (165), this (150), not (149), but (148), we (148), out (146), so (144), since (138), out of (137), does (136), makes (133), saying (132), regarding (126), in support of (117)

Word graph

example graph