

Number of occurrences: 10,598 Rank: 19,816 Frequency class: 14

See also: Presumed, PRESUMED
Part of speech: Verb, Adjective
Baseform: presume
Baseform of: Presumed


  • Do Ugandans have the requisite steel in the right quantities and quality to create presumed raffles. (www.independent.co.ug, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • Many scribes must have asked him the same, I presumed. (www.businessexaminer.com, collected on 17/11/2016)
  • It’s generally presumed. (www.darlingtonandstocktontimes.co.uk, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • The presumed joke evoked dead silence from his audience. (www.austinchronicle.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • Innocence must be presumed before trial, but the impact is devastating. (www.sportsnet.ca, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • If the presumed offenders are married, punishment is stoning to death. (www.ipsnews.net, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • Defendants are presumed innocent until and unless they are found guilty. (www.alabamagazette.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • The result was the confiscation of presumed drugs, including crack. (www.amcostarica.com, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • If there's any doubt at all, the Bushes must be presumed innocent. (www.timescolonist.com, collected on 23/11/2016)
  • The blind treatment of presumed nail fungus tops the list. (www.rri.ro, collected on 22/11/2016)
is (73,488), the (50,886), are (48,446), and (26,479), be (21,913), was (18,982), a (16,438), I (9,742), were (8,980), of (6,899), The (6,338), their (4,756), his (4,729), he (4,176), have (4,093), been (3,743), had (3,269), or (2,952), they (2,864), its (2,399), now (2,221), her (2,207), being (2,128), for (1,988), always (1,938), to (1,920), that (1,791), with (1,630), we (1,561), by (1,547), on the (1,411), not (1,396), as (1,373), also (1,317), man (1,310), who (1,242), this (1,213), just (1,210), widely (1,186), she (1,171), but (1,151), it (1,135), still (1,126), that is (1,122), all (1,098), those (1,097), people (1,087), two (987), generally (957), in (944), has (934), it's (924), often (914), on (866), missing (824), could be (820), He (808), A (802), other (759), against the (732)

Word graph

example graph