

Number of occurrences: 9 Rank: 1,608,135 Frequency class: 24


  • These can be bronze, salmon pink or a fiery red similar to photinias. (www.helensburghadvertiser.co.uk, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • Sapsuckers have visited my photinias regularly throughout the decades and it’s obvious. (www.cambstimes.co.uk, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • As if the severe wind on our more tender broadleaved plants, like aucubas, photinias, rhododendrons and azaleas, is not bad enough, winter sunshine can burn their foliage. (www.mapleridgenews.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • As if the severe wind on our more tender broadleaved plants, like aucubas, photinias, rhododendrons and azaleas is not bad enough, winter sunshine can burn their foliage. (en.isranews.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • Non-flowering broad leaved plants, like laurels, photinias and boxwood, can also be tidied at this time of year. (www.abbynews.com, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • Great screening shrubs for North Texas, when privacy matters Try natural screens in place of fences Trees, shrubs do beautiful job of protecting privacy Steer clear of problem plants bamboo, photinia Entomosporium on redtip photinias. (www.star-telegram.com, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • If you’re trying to keep 15-foot shrubs such as redtip photinias at 4 feet tall, you’re on a time bomb. (www.progresstimes.net, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Prune bushes in mid- to late winter Dear Neil: What is the best time of year for heavy pruning of overgrown elaeagnus, redtip photinias and nandinas? (www.vallartatoday.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • Back in the 1980s (or earlier), a fungal leaf spot called Entomosporium started to hit redtip photinias. (www.star-telegram.com, collected on 14/11/2016)

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