

Number of occurrences: 26 Rank: 805,120 Frequency class: 23

See also: Partyless


  • If Poe is partyless just to show her independence, then she will be left in the cold because Filipino voting habits are to belong to at least a political party or bandwagon. (www.negroschronicle.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Four independents may be vying for the mayor’s chair, but that’s not the only seat being eyed by partyless candidates. (www.bigskybusiness.com, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • And perhaps more like Bingu and Banda – they both were partyless presidents at one time – Chilima would need strong public support to govern. (www.nyasatimes.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • What the parliamentary elections did was to allow all disparate and tainted warlords to assume political legitimacy in a partyless system, thereby practically dominating the legislature. (www.paradisepost.com, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • Degamo admits, he remains partyless because he wanted to be sure, while receiving a lot of invitations. (www.newdawnmagazine.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • D 1. A partyless president no matter how honest, determined, experienced and courageous can hit the ground running unless backed up by a competent official family and an honest bureaucracy which are on the same wavelength with the leadership. (www.hantsjournal.ca, collected on 13/11/2016)
  • Most municipal mayors of Pangasinan are inclined to stay put rather than become partyless. (punch.dagupan.com, collected on 17/11/2016)
  • He stood for a partyless people’s democracy where the rural areas would have some form of self-rule. (www.crawleyobserver.co.uk, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • We need selfless partyless, leaders with country at heart. (www.nznewsuk.co.uk, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • So far, partyless presidents in Malawi have shown to throw out the window all norms of political morality to remain in power. (www.nyasatimes.com, collected on 05/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Degamo (75), elections (50), party (37), political (27), democracy (24), because (16), who (7.1)
the (138), a (133)
elections (99)

Word graph

example graph