

Number of occurrences: 3 Rank: 3,417,830 Frequency class: 26


  • Plan and plant now for spring-flowering bulbs Over time, spring flowering bulbs, especially narcissuses like the ones shown here, can multiply to the point of becoming overcrowded, at which time they need to be dug up, separated, and replanted. (www.nbcmiami.com, collected on 27/11/2016)
  • Late winter and spring are good times to visit gardens to see the wide assortment of narcissuses available and to learn more about them. (www.lincolnjournalonline.com, collected on 28/11/2016)
  • Indeed, there are many narcissuses – of differing heights, shapes, and colors – some with flatter and others with more protuberant “trumpets.” (www.capitalcommunitynews.com, collected on 26/11/2016)

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