And while the nabe is known for having few amenities like stores, restaurants and even sidewalks, experts say that all will follow the real estate boom that’s going on there now. (, collected on 01/11/2016)
Yes, it will prove very difficult to convince the people who actually live in the nabe that this is a good idea. (, collected on 23/11/2016)
But one local entrepreneur said the agency really needs to offer shuttle service from every affected L stop — busing to and from the nearest alternate trains to keep as many visitors coming to the nabe as possible. (, collected on 12/11/2016)
City Winery, which regularly attracts big musical names to the nabe, has three other locations nationwide in Chicago, Napa and Nashville. (, collected on 26/11/2016)
Residents take extreme pride in preserving their nabe with not one but two governing bodies overseeing its architectural integrity. (, collected on 02/11/2016)
It’s also easy for new buyers and renters to find apartments, he said, but added that the nabe can feel a bit crowded with so many people living there. (, collected on 01/11/2016)
Locals said the main drawback to living in the East Village is the lack of subways serving the far east side of the nabe, since the Second Avenue line still hasn't opened. (, collected on 01/11/2016)
Now he enjoys watching other people move into his adopted nabe, including young people and artists, the kind of demographic that attracts investors such as the owner of one building nearby that will soon house a bookstore, a café and a record store. (, collected on 06/11/2016)
If there was one improvement Pagan would like to see in the nabe, it would be better sanitation on roads not managed by business improvement districts, she admitted. (, collected on 01/11/2016)
Dogs can contribute a great deal to someone’s life, and as they invariably become part of … ‘Best nabe for kids’? (, collected on 19/11/2016)