

Number of occurrences: 9,072 Rank: 21,983 Frequency class: 14

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

square (10,528), cubic (6,427), per (5,278), metres (4,292), a (2,337), 1 metre (2,319), 100 (2,211), micrograms (1,445), 200 (1,431), water (1,217), one (1,197), 50 (1,101), line (1,096), high (1,056), scrum (1,034), 400 (967), relay (941), half (882), wide (850), long (814), pool (795), medal (786), 800 (774), the (766), diameter (754), gold (744), freestyle (674), height (649), tall (649), bronze (591), length (563), race (546), from (523), up to (519), hurdles (497), in length (493), penalty (485), 10 (481), 100 metre hurdles (471), than (454), swimming (452), five (452), deep (446), silver (442), 4x100 (442), 1500 (434), 500 (432), less than (432), which (432), in (430), seconds (427), sprint (427), PM2.5 (412), level (410), swimming pool (405), average (394), land (393), of (386), The (382), sq (380)
a (53,125), square (39,999), one (28,913), cubic (18,678), 100 (13,644), 50 (8,926), 200 (7,977), five (6,172), 10 (5,783), 400 (5,234), 1 (4,817), 25 (4,571), 22 (4,270), per (4,167), 30 (3,955), 20 (3,567), 800 (3,409), two (3,352), three (3,139), 500 (3,069), 40 (2,589), 300 (2,458), 5 (2,340), 15 (2,143), the (2,104), 60 (1,947), four (1,894), six (1,766), by one (1,717), 3 (1,638), half (1,564), 1500 (1,559), sq (1,496), 1,500 (1,451), 1.5 (1,396), more than one (1,273), 4x100 (1,253), 1,000 (1,224), 80 (1,211), 12 (1,192), 65 (1,136), 2 (1,123), 150 (1,072), 5,000 (1,069), 600 (1,047), 3,000 (1,001), ten (953), sq. (944), seven (933), eight (930), 18 (890), 2000 (878), 1.8 (824), 3.5 (789), 35 (762), 2,000 (762), every (723), water (716), 10,000 (691), 13 (686)
of (23,768), high (11,563), in (11,179), long (9,822), line (9,201), and (8,222), wide (5,475), to (5,006), race (4,372), from (4,192), away (4,151), or (4,105), by (3,785), tall (3,560), for (3,472), deep (3,458), free (3,349), run (3,292), freestyle (2,837), per (2,834), relay (2,827), hurdles (2,561), at (2,258), pool (2,254), area (2,184), dash (2,157), away from (2,141), is (2,069), on (1,862), mark (1,819), races (1,706), scrum (1,600), above (1,584), sprint (1,580), penalty (1,538), event (1,506), out (1,489), swimming (1,470), breaststroke (1,410), in length (1,394), building (1,368), swimming pool (1,344), swim (1,335), backstroke (1,237), radius (1,234), stretch (1,190), final (1,189), site (1,181), square (1,180), butterfly (1,147), breast (1,105), a (1,096), setback (1,095), higher (1,084), block (1,056), distance (1,024), thick (1,014), below (981), time (941), was (902)

Word graph

example graph
metresquarecubicpermetres1 metre100micrograms200waterone50linehighscrum