

Number of occurrences: 1,496 Rank: 68,231 Frequency class: 17

See also: Launder
Part of speech: Verb, Noun
Baseform of: laundered, Launders, laundering

to (37,822), and (5,620), used to (3,037), or (1,102), can (751), then (716), be used to (564), you (550), helped (513), money (503), that (437), clients (417), they (415), him (394), I (381), who (370), could (354), help (348), need to (297), up to (294), helping (280), them (273), will (240), not (239), would (233), have to (218), want to (218), To (214), Then (206), in order to (202), also (188), We (186), cannot (168), bank (164), the (163), we (145), They (137), should (137), often (130), unable to (121), attempt to (120), Korea (120), criminals (115), North Korea (113), cartels (102)
money (14,713), the (9,606), their (3,905), drug (1,737), and (1,631), it (1,218), his (1,110), funds (913), proceeds (702), millions (666), your (615), a (596), dirty (588), them (572), more (543), its (532), cash (499), all (498), as (472), clothes (405), illicit (393), hundreds (385), stolen (375), ill-gotten (372), my (359), illegal (348), our (321), in (304), large (292), campaign (291), or (282), some (272), billions (253), monetary (251), as usual (246), this (239), criminal (238), about (235), bribes (232), a lot (218), all the (215), black (207), that (201), profits (190), her (188), over (185), those (181), these (181), $1.5 (176), everything (169), ill-gotten gains (166), corrupt (149), up (143), any (138), bribe (137), public (135), up to (131), poached (130), huge (127), clothing (119)

Word graph

example graph