See also:
Idea, IDEA, IDeA, iDEA, IdEA, IdeA
Part of speech:
Baseform of:
IDEA, ideas, Idea, IDEAS, Ideas
Part of: the idea, good idea, have no idea, have an idea, get the idea, have an idea of, big idea, general idea, brilliant idea, simple idea, not a bad idea, crazy idea, novel idea, bright idea, main idea, have the idea, vague idea, give an idea of, entertain the idea of, abstract idea, the big idea, absurd idea, Bad idea, fundamental idea, idea man, more that's the idea, complex idea, fixed idea, flirt with the idea, harebrained idea, in idea, half an idea, hazy idea, leading idea, principal idea, Business idea, Platonic idea, keep an idea, transcendent idea, not have the remotest idea, absolute idea, give a wrong idea, nurture an idea, Kantian idea, get hold of an idea, hold an idea, idea afloat, idea of pure reason, innate idea, ripe idea, trace of an idea less