

Number of occurrences: 9 Rank: 1,601,220 Frequency class: 24


  • My early, ethereal thoughts of having a child who only played with wooden toys and never ate fast food have evaporated as I find myself knee deep in plastic Power Rangers and Happy Meal gimcracks that I have willingly handed over to keep the peace. (www.styleweekly.com, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Stirred by this success and by alarming financial news from home, she opened a huge bazaar and stocked it with gimcracks from home and useful articles available at a lower cost from shops down the street. (www.wflx.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • People identify with the posters, toys and gimcracks as much as the source material. (www.columbusalive.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • Hot Times is a sunny cartoon, a kaleidoscope of colors – a mad dash through a rainbow, a box of geegaws and gimcracks we keep under the art car table, a shower of bright notes falling from horns and drumbeats in rhythm with your heart. (www.rtm.gov.my, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • Not all souvenirs are worthless gimcracks that, were they not discarded in the last move, would be worth pennies on their retail dollars. (www.nwaonline.com, collected on 21/11/2016)
  • Although the selection at DIA isn't as vast as what you'll find on the website, this Kazoo is still packed with games, gizmos and gimcracks — more than enough to ensure that you'll find the perfect toy for the kids back home. (www.westword.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • There's a jukebox that can play the same song over and over and over to test the limits of parental sanity, lots of cow gimcracks for the whelps to whine after and a kiddy menu to maul with crayons. (www.dallasobserver.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • From mid-century cameras to porcelain dishes, vintage toys, furniture and weird gimcracks, if you're looking for something out-of-the-ordinary you'll probably find it somewhere in Antique World Mall's historic trove. (www.boiseweekly.com, collected on 27/11/2016)
  • That evening a group of some 20 folks appeared with horse fiddles, sleigh bells, tin pans, and other gimcracks and began their noisemaking. (www.pottsmerc.com, collected on 06/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

toys (37), with (19), find (18), and (9.3)
and (127)

Word graph

example graph