

Number of occurrences: 483 Rank: 133,253 Frequency class: 18

See also: Elderberry
Part of speech: Noun

Part of: elderberry wine


  • I've seen them for sale at other health and natural foods stores along with elderberry syrup. (www.thisweeknews.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • If you do try elderberry, inform your doctor and don't skip a flu shot, the only proven way to prevent influenza, Dr. Weber says. (www.wsj.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • In extensive tests, elderberry was shown to reduce recovery time from flu by a full half and to lessen symptoms almost immediately. (www.desertexposure.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • His most exciting moment to date was giving Queen Elizabeth his recipe for an elderberry dessert, apparently. (www.gazetteseries.co.uk, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • Also, wine made from black elderberry was used to treat those who had such symptoms as chills and the flu. (www.berkeleybeacon.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • With a good berry crop almost every year, the elderberry has been depended upon by humans and animals throughout history. (www.bonnersferryherald.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • My husband and I support the Baldwin City Recreation Commission and attend many events, especially the elderberry functions. (signal.baldwincity.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • That was when I purchased an order of elderberry seedlings through the bush and tree sale conducted by area county land and water conservation departments. (www.chiltontimesjournal.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • American elder, or elderberry, is more common than you might think, and that is a good thing! (www.newstribune.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • He talked about a local endangered species, the elderberry beetle, which must be protected during development. (www.theriverbanknews.com, collected on 24/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

elderberry wine (1,200), wine (439), syrup (404), Sambucus (356), berries (278), elderberries (233), plum (215), fruit (181), bushes (171), plants (165), cherry (163), beetle (149), shrubs (146), and (145), bush (138), Elderberry (136), jelly (126), red (126), dogwood (125), apple (124), black (118), berry (117), juneberry (117), lemon (116), arsenic (112), Sambucus nigra (112), species (111), juice (111), nigra (109), strawberry (107), Sambucol (107), trees (105), flowers (105), currant (98), wild (96), liqueur (94), longhorn (92), flu (91), pie (85), raspberry (84), native (83), blueberry (82), crab apple (80), blackberry (80), plant (80), elder (79), tree (79), flavors (79), black currant (77), ninebark (76), clusters (76), influenza (74), pies (74), persimmon (70), lavender (70), homemade (69), oak (69), wild cherry (68), serviceberry (67), willow (67)
the (1,777), and (1,770), of (1,635), an (892), with (799), red (471), black (412), like (382), blue (289), American (280), for (238), The (235), as (232), from (230), make (214), to (201), in (197), or (182), much (171), is (146), valley (139), homemade (139), such as (124), along with (120), too much (114), wild (113)
and (1,900), wine (1,582), syrup (800), bushes (422), is (374), has (315), or (311), in (291), pie (270), plant (262), juice (238), jelly (213), to (201), extract (193), jam (168), bush (164), plants (152), beetle (152), tree (151), flowers (148), liqueur (145), on (145), was (144), are (142), will (141), tea (111), longhorn (101), cough (99), clusters (97)

Word graph

example graph
elderberryelderberry winewinesyrupSambucusberrieselderberriesplumfruitbushesplantscherrybeetleshrubsbush