

Number of occurrences: 81 Rank: 396,358 Frequency class: 17

Baseform: ecstasy

Part of: in ecstasies

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

agonies (309), Worstell’s (79), unappreciated (64), Enright (59), Yitzhak (59), Hedwig’s (59), counterpoint (57), Tess (53), antics (45), visions (44), mystic (42), character’s (39), lover (39), captured (38), life (36), mystical (36), joys (33), and (32), experiences (32), of (29), into (23), love (20), prayer (19), perfect (18), main (16), many (14), His (12), sent (10), art (10), became (9.6), went (9.1), or (9.0), such (8.7), her (8.2), who (7.4), such as (6.8), the (6.7)

Word graph

example graph