

Number of occurrences: 55,955 Rank: 5,863 Frequency class: 11

See also: Discussing, DISCUSSING
Part of speech: Verb
Baseform: discuss


  • Can you be candid in discussing the dead without seeming despicable? (www.nsnews.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Bowen continued to be lighthearted when discussing dangerous incidents in the trenches. (www.winnipegfreepress.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • Panelists are discussing how to prepare projects, allocate risks, and engage more partners. (english.cctv.com, collected on 17/11/2016)
  • Simply put what the current administration is doing is not enough, and Tyler discussing cultural issues.. (www.jacksonfreepress.com, collected on 27/11/2016)
  • Two marchers hold signs discussing consent. (www.queensjournal.ca, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • Adopted into the hearts of their community for family celebrations, discussing business or quiet romance. (www.sacurrent.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • We sat at the kitchen table one morning discussing Hillary’s e-mails. (www.leaderherald.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • We are discussing the possibility of changing these loans to long-term concessional loans. (ubpost.mongolnews.mn, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • You will be discussing the funeral of fallen officer Colvin Georges. (www.wsta.com, collected on 09/11/2016)
  • New Castle community leaders have been discussing how to retain empty nesters and senior citizens in town. (www.theindependent.co.zw, collected on 15/11/2016)
the (675,474), a (110,998), how (75,341), it (65,481), this (63,316), his (62,510), their (54,777), with (51,736), what (45,020), and (34,474), her (30,922), issues (23,351), whether (22,922), ways (20,279), these (18,588), an (17,308), that (15,913), our (15,139), in (13,215), some (12,890), them (11,764), plans (10,531), all (10,371), politics (10,181), your (9,744), any (9,502), possible (9,340), its (9,318), the idea (8,432), about (8,280), the future (7,852), my (7,330), such (7,051), new (6,765), options (6,730), is (6,584), things (6,574), on (6,523), topics (6,355), the case (6,023), why (5,919), ideas (5,814), various (5,730), potential (5,715), for (5,661), other (5,296), those (5,277), or (5,136), current (5,095), something (4,995), at (4,969), where (4,803), everything (4,519), here (4,499), details (4,159), who (4,141), which (4,036), the latest (4,029), matters (4,002), anything (3,825)

Word graph

example graph