

Number of occurrences: 1,227 Rank: 77,068 Frequency class: 17

See also: Confection
Part of speech: Noun
Baseform of: Confections, confections

a (4,240), the (3,274), sweet (1,405), this (1,356), of (1,109), chocolate (860), The (790), and (738), pop (605), white (432), favorite (423), frothy (366), delicious (326), frozen (319), creamy (300), This (269), his (236), French (236), cream (227), layered (226), fun (206), entire (204), popular (204), holiday (199), with (197), rich (195), musical (195), gooey (184), A (183), tasty (178), delightful (176), little (174), kind of (168), four-tiered (166), latest (164), sugary (163), perfect (163), pink (149), entertaining (149), homemade (147), their (144), her (142), vanilla (140), than (140), new (139), stacked (139), sticky (137), caramel (135), local (134), own (134), heavenly (134), best (134), political (130), summer (128), chewy (128), wonderful (122), lacy (117), lovely (115), candy (114), culinary (111)

Word graph

example graph