

Number of occurrences: 235 Rank: 205,713 Frequency class: 19

See also: Cocking, COCKING
Part of speech: Verb
Baseform: cock

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

snook (330), head (240), his (138), Crosman (117), gun (114), crossbow (102), rope (85), heads (83), rifle (81), leg (76), to one side (71), bolt (66), eyebrow (60), wrists (58), side (50), to the side (48), weapon (45), Alek (44), ears (43), bolts (42), toward (42), sideways (41), dog (40), he (38), swing (38), pistol (34), rifles (34), guns (34), keep on (34), curiously (34), shotgun (33), yells (32), back (31), at (30), device (27), her (26), finger (26), string (24), handgun (22), hammer (22), thumb (22), firearm (19), like (19), devices (19), ear (18), their (18), a (18), one (18), as if (17), Spencer (17), firing (17), pointing (16), heard (16), down (16), recalls (16), as (15), legs (14), establishment (14), and (14), shoot (13)

Word graph

example graph