

Number of occurrences: 323 Rank: 169,386 Frequency class: 19

See also: Antidiscrimination


  • It’s also why legislation has been proposed in Congress to expand federal antidiscrimination laws to cover gender identity, rather than just sex. (www.dailybulldog.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • The church sought an injunction to keep the city and state from applying the antidiscrimination law to churches, saying it violated free exercise of religious rights. (www.kcrg.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • Carter also confirmed that gender identity would be added to the military equal opportunity policy, which acts like an antidiscrimination policy. (www.sgn.org, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • The session, which was abruptly convened by Republican lawmakers on Tuesday, came in response to an antidiscrimination ordinance approved by the state’s largest city, Charlotte, last month. (www.schwartzreport.net, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • The commission concludes that antidiscrimination laws should be given greater weight in such cases and framed religious freedom as a threat to civil rights. (www.newcarlislenews.net, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Considering that denying benefits is often one of the ways companies try to circumvent state and local antidiscrimination laws, gaining union backing on this point is significant. (www.epgn.com, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • As Haslam put it, the new law will cut down on paperwork for businesses by making antidiscrimination policies uniform across the state. (www.commercialrecord.com, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • The antidiscrimination ordinance he mandated, was reportedly a response to news he received that Muslims were being discriminated against by real estate agents. (www.mvdemocrat.com, collected on 13/11/2016)
  • The measure was introduced after Nashville passed an antidiscrimination law that barred the city from doing business with companies that discriminated based on sexual orientation and gender identity. (www.commercialrecord.com, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • Under the original proposal, sexual orientation and gender identity would have been added to the list of categories in antidiscrimination language, alongside race and religion, among others. (www.balkaninsight.com, collected on 09/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

laws (824), protections (518), orientation (491), law (411), gender (359), sexual (347), identity (301), LGBT (281), excludes (202), ordinance (191), ordinances (167), statewide (162), transgender (134), federal (127), gay (112), state (110), bill (106), gays (98), policy (89), discrimination (86), local (76), M-130 (76), lesbians (74), policies (71), statutes (70), legislation (67), state’s (66), overrules (65), North Carolina (62), rights (61), that (61), state's (57), restrooms (55), HB (54), marriage (50), gender-identity (50), repealed (49), passed (49), cities (48), preempting (48), polices (47), repeal (46), Carolina (46), North (45), enacted (45), Equality (45), protection (43), legislature (42), sex (40), overrode (40), measures (40), same-sex (39), employment (38), discriminated (38), governments (37), protected (37), religious (37), Texarkana (36), Supreme Court (32), civil rights (32)
the (990), an (875), statewide (605), local (545), its (534), federal (512), of (427), state (399), and (382), that (278), with (275), to (244), state's (238), from (226), state’s (210), city’s (145), on (142), The (142), as (140), have (139), this (137), their (136), orientation (134), any (128), such as (122), employment (111), limits (109), LGBT (106)
laws (2,598), law (1,387), protections (946), ordinance (706), policy (649), policies (421), bill (402), ordinances (360), service (313), and (244), measures (218), legislation (218), statutes (181), services (123), polices (112)

Word graph

example graph