

Number of occurrences: 4 Rank: 2,708,289 Frequency class: 25


  • According to the information released, a key point in the investigation is to determine whether or not these people knew the Tunisian's real purpose. (www.plenglish.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • What began as a despondent young Tunisian's self-immolation late last year has grown into a storm blowing through North Africa, sweeping away three governments and wounding several others. (yaleglobal.yale.edu, collected on 25/11/2016)
  • However Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said there was no direct evidence of the Tunisian's links to IS -- which has claimed him as one of their "fighters." (www.cynthianademocrat.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • However, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said there was no direct evidence of the Tunisian's links to the ISIL-- which has claimed him as one of their "fighters." (www.fftimes.com, collected on 11/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

has (12), as (11)
the (124)