
Royal Ottawa Golf Club

Number of occurrences: 9 Rank: 1,576,910 Frequency class: 24

Subwords: Club, Golf, Ottawa, Royal


  • The winner after today’s final round earns a berth for the Canadian men’s amateur golf championship, which begins Monday at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club. (www.thetelegram.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • Tuesday's round was played at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club in Gatineau, Que. Stubbs was dedicated to improving his short game in the lead up to this week's tournament. (www.smithfieldtimes.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • The band was invited to play at a special event called Sinter Claus organized by the Canadian Dutch Association at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club located in Gatineau, Quebec. (www.orleansstar.ca, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Blair Bursey of Gander tees off during the second round of the Canadian men’s amateur golf championship Tuesday at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club. (www.westvalleyview.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • In addition to claiming the Silver Cup as a national junior champion, Meek also earned an exemption into the 2016 Canadian men’s amateur championship starting Monday at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club. (www.alloaadvertiser.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • With a huge field of nearly 260, the opening rounds of the event arebeing played on two courses — Eagle Creek and the Royal Ottawa Golf Club — with players alternating between the two. (www.thetelegram.com, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • The winner will receive an exemption into the 2016 Canadian men's amateur championship beginning Monday at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club. (www.asemana.publ.cv, collected on 24/11/2016)
  • The four-day, 72-hole event begins Monday at both the Royal Ottawa Golf Club in Gatineau, Que., and Eagle Creek Golf Club in Dunrobin, Ont., near Ottawa. (www.redbluffdailynews.com, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • The Nova Scotia Golf Association will be selecting three spots plus one alternate position to represent Nova Scotia at the 2016 Canadian Men’s Amateur Championship Aug. 8-11, at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club and the Eagle Creek Golf Club in Gatineau, PQ. (www.digbycourier.ca, collected on 03/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Ottawa (141), Golf (134), Royal (131), Club (108), Gatineau (82), Canadian (65), Eagle Creek (61), amateur (58), championship (42), men’s (35), Eagle (34), at (30), Monday (29), Creek (29), round (26), event (18), 2016 (14), the (9.5), The (8.3)
the (358)

Word graph

example graph
Royal Ottawa Golf ClubOttawaGolfRoyalClubGatineauCanadianEagle Creekamateurchampionshipmen’sEagleMondayCreekround